Pax dies in engine, yes it's weird


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
well, no proof it was a pax but it wasn't reported as crew/airport worker. Maybe just a member of the public.

Sounds like something you would have seen on CSI....
It might take Frank Columbo to get to the bottom of this ...
There’s a link in the other thread about this
From the article: "Efinger was a ticketed passenger with a boarding pass to Denver, police said."

It sounds like he went out an emergency exit (which was reported by a store manager rather than, just spitballing here, a security system connected to the alarmed emergency exit), maybe stripped naked (they found his clothes and personal items on a runway), and climbed into an A220 engine inlet. They found him there when the plane was on a deicing pad. No idea if he rode along from the gate to the deicing pad or walked there.

It doesn't sound like the guy was a Warren Zevon fan.
Looking forward to the tox report on this one. Anyone have any guesses?
Like to see the autopsy report,especially since CPR was attempted.
Here's an article with some information from his family. He was diagnosed bipolar a decade ago, had a medical marijuana card, was traveling to visit his dying grandfather, and had missed his flight. He evidently did run to the deicing pad and climbed into the engine inlet. The pilot shut the engine down but of course they take a while to spool down.
