Parallel what? ATC Comm question


Pattern Altitude
Aug 17, 2014
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I found using my home simulator and PilotEdge's ATC service useful when learning and practicing radio comms while getting my PPL. I'm doing the same for my instrument rating and last week reup'd the service and started doing their 'ratings' tests.

When getting clearance on a short IFR flight from an airport in a Class C space they ATC after giving me clearance asked me something about if I will need full parallel runway length on departure. I'm guessing it was something about if I felt I would cross the parallel runway while flying out. I said I didn't and moved on with my flight.

I looked around trying to find out what exactly he was asking and I couldn't find anything.
What airport? what runway were you told to expect for departure?
I found using my home simulator and PilotEdge's ATC service useful when learning and practicing radio comms while getting my PPL. I'm doing the same for my instrument rating and last week reup'd the service and started doing their 'ratings' tests.

When getting clearance on a short IFR flight from an airport in a Class C space they ATC after giving me clearance asked me something about if I will need full parallel runway length on departure. I'm guessing it was something about if I felt I would cross the parallel runway while flying out. I said I didn't and moved on with my flight.

I looked around trying to find out what exactly he was asking and I couldn't find anything.

My guess is he was asking if you needed the full length of the runway for takeoff vs. departing from an intersection.
My guess is he was asking if you needed the full length of the runway for takeoff vs. departing from an intersection.

That may have been it, I did depart from the Kilo intersection.
The word 'parallel' in the phrasing throws me off. Seems unnecessary and confusing verbiage if they were just asking if you needed full runway length.

They do intersection departures at KAPA (Centennial, Denver) without saying anything about 'parallel' runway length - and they seldom even say 'runway'. They'll just ask if I need full length. They do mention traffic 'for the parallel' but that's a different thing.
So I did another 'rating' in the game tonight with PilotEdge. It involved taking off at KSNA again, at the same runway ect... no mention of parallel or anything but it was a different person doing the ATC role. Only strange thing was a green firetruck crossed the runway when I was on my take off roll... must only show up on the client side.

Will be interesting to see how this helps me as I continue my instrument training. Practicing writing clearances, tuning radios and looking over approach and enroute charts is all good stuff and I can do 3-4 virtual flights in the time it takes me to do 1 real one.
Yeah the parallel mention threw me off as well. I can only guess he wondered if it would take the length of the parallel runway before you could make a turn on departure.