panic attack marked inactive


panic attack

I applied for a third class medical a few months ago and it was deferred for an unrelated issue, went and saw my doc and he wrote me the letter and pulled my history as requested. There was a line on there under the past medical history that says panic attack marked as inactive. About 10 years ago I went through a rough patch where I was having some pretty bad financial issues and stress and I reported it to my Dr. He prescribed something (don't recall the name) I filled the prescription once but didn't take it after reading all the warnings on the label. I did not report this when I applied for my medical because I forgot about it after 10 years until I was reminded by seeing it on my history. I never saw a counselor or specialist or pursued any further treatment options. What will FAA say when they see it on my past medical history? Do I need my Dr to write something addressing it specifically?
1. The Rx question is what you are presenting taking.

2. have you had a panic attack?

3. What did the doc put down as a Dx or reason for the consult that day?

4. Do NOT volunteer information. If the FAA asks you about a dx of sleep apena 20 years ago and you no longer have it - and they are asking about medical records for sleep apnea - you give them THOSE records - period/

I'm not a doc - but the key is to answer the question. No more - no less.

Read the questions carefully about 'have you ever been Dx'd with a mental illness [have you?] and 'other conditions. . . . '

You need a consult with a good AME. Contact Bruce Chien, AME. A Simple google search for that will find him for you.
My biggest question is this, is there a way to submit this info or amend my application after it has been submitted? After a little digging I found the medication prescribed was Celexa, from what I have read in some other places this is not on the FAA's naughty list and it seems my biggest issue is I didn't report it. Had I reviewed my records better I would have checked the appropriate box and answered accordingly. I figure honesty is the best policy and to me this falls into the category of communicate confess and comply. Where do I go from here?
Once "submitted" No there is not.

However, you CAN write the agency at 6700 S MacArthur Parkway and submit a letter. I sure would not do that until/ unless I had a follow up letter from your PCP saying:
(1) Only episode known to this doc, in your life.
(2) Long since recovered and functional.
(3) No symptoms remain.
(4) Single Rx of 30 tablets.
You should get but a "warning" for the omission.
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