PA-28 trim indicator problem


Management Council Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Our Arrow has the trim control wheel on the floor between the seats. This afternoon, after the plane had been tied down overnight with what turned into a 15-knot tailwind, I noticed that the trim indicator wire no longer points to the same places that it did yesterday morning. I did not check it after takeoff yesterday until I got in the plane to fly home today, because the only reason to look at the indicator is to set it to neutral for takeoff. It does move with the trim, but only over a short range even when the trim is rolled all the way fore or aft.

Has anyone had a similar problem with the trim indicator wire? How involved is the repair? I am thinking we will get it taken care of at annual but that is several months away. Having an idea of how much the plane has to come apart to fix this will help decide whether to fix now or defer to when it's in the shop anyhow. Thanks in advance!
I've replaced the trim indicator on our club's Cherokee, no doubt they are the same part # and design. It's not overly complicated, any A&P "should" be able to figure it out.
The trim indicator is a simple mechanism. An A&P should be able to fix it in a few minutes.
That's good news. I'll talk to an A&P sooner rather than later. My concern was that the moving parts would be buried deep in the plane so that it takes 10 hours of R&R to access the 10-minute repair. Thank you both!