P-51D excellent aircraft management after engine failure


Oct 8, 2012
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This video posted by Juan Browne shows a P-51D experiencing total loss of power just after takeoff. The pilot did a good job of reacting to the engine failure.

Although it was a closely run battle, he was able to get the aircraft back down on the runway and successfully stop it, using the remaining runway and the exit turnoff paving. I was expecting a departure off the runway end and/or a ground loop. The video is a good example of mental preparedness and decisive actions made in seconds. That short amount of time was the difference between success and failure.

Saw that yesterday. Awesome work for sure. Also probably a good case for not immediately pulling the gear up either, I was surprised it came back down in time.
.1 PIC, 1 landing

It could be cross country. I mean he did travel from one point of the runway to the another point of the runway and used pilotage as navigation...

Unless he is counting cross country to further a rating, then it has to be 50 miles to count and I don't think the runway was that long...
Do you think he was focused on pitching for airspeed - or, at that low level, just trying to get it back on the runway?
Do you think he was focused on pitching for airspeed - or, at that low level, just trying to get it back on the runway?
Based on the fact that the gear started going back down immediately upon the engine sound changing, I would say he was pitching to get back on the runway rather than a specific airspeed. Not criticizing, just saying he made the immediate decision to try to land on the remaining runway.
good thing he did too, judging by that tokyo drift at the end, he was already out of runway. Honestly a ground loop to save the rest of the airframe was about as good as that was gonna get. End over end or cartwheel was gonna be the end game if the engine had chunked a mere 5 seconds later. Better lucky than good y'all.

Well executed all in all.
Not criticizing, just saying he made the immediate decision to try to land on the remaining runway.

My point was in response to the youtuber's several comments about this.
Definitely it's a good practice and important to stress, but actually in this incident, not many of us would be too concerned with the asi thoughout because he didn't make even 100'agl did he?