P-210 is joining the party


Touchdown! Greaser!
Sep 1, 2008
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Cessna Pilot's Magazine carrying a story this month about the Vitatoe TN 210 featuring a balanced induction TCM's IO 550 mated to the existing turbo charger and structure already installed in the plane. 23 minutes to FL 230, cruise 213 KTAS at FL 220 burning 17.6 gph. With all the deice, extra fuel and other doo-dads available, the airplane should be a worthy competitor for the A-36 TN, and maybe bit faster. And presurized.

Sure, easy for you to say. To paraphrase Foxworthy, I'm the guy he described with "If you refer to 5th grade as 'my senior year' you might be from Oklahoma."

hey, a little credit here.... for refraining from an easy TX comment....:rofl:
It always seemed to me that the P210 had too little engine, but the Silver Eagle turbine conversion didn't appeal to me either. The 550 seems like a good option.

Of course, I'd also go for a GTSIO-520... just because. :)
Ha, reading about cooling the charged air reminded me of how simple solutions are often overlooked.

One of the planes I've flown has spray nozzles that spray water on an precooler for the a/c system. The water comes from the compressor for the a/c system :)