Over 60 of us intercepted annually

As a taxpayer you should care. It's not 100,000,00 or a million, it's almost all cash , billions.laundered by American banks often on a 60-40 split, bank retaining 40. Many of these banks are the same ones we had to bail out due to no doc sub primes, deregulation , poor leverage , etc. many illegal business are funded by this money, car dealers, resturants, all kinds. Not to mention having to have police in schools where a lot of drugs are sold, on and on. Many years ago Khrushchev said of the U.S. " we don't have to attack you, it's not necessary. You will ruin yourselves" . He was referring mainly to drugs and it's influence on the young in this country. It's coming true.

It was this sort of hyperbolic rhetoric that launched the War on Drugs…

...in the 1970's.