Our soaring business is in operation


Line Up and Wait
Oct 15, 2015
Walla Walla. WA
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After years of dreaming of owning a soaring business again it's finally paid off. Approximately one year ago I made the decision to pursue this dream with full power ahead. It's been a struggle getting the right aircraft, location, & then all the insurance & business crap.

We flew the glider & our tow plane two weeks ago as sort of a test run. Yesterday, we had our first glider student & flew our first day of revenue. How sweet it is.

We're already scheduled up for this upcoming long weekend.

Who said aviation was dead?

Me & my first student on final.
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Awesome! Congrats on the first student and the rapidly filling schedule! Best wishes for continued success!
Pretty cool! Where is this located? Did your first student know he was your first?
After years of dreaming of owning a soaring business again it's finally paid off. Approximately one year ago I made the decision to pursue this dream with full power ahead. It's been a struggle getting the right aircraft, location, & then all the insurance & business crap.

We flew the glider & our tow plane two weeks ago as sort of a test run. Yesterday, we had our first glider student & flew our first day of revenue. How sweet it is.

We're already scheduled up for this upcoming long weekend.

Who said aviation was dead?

Me & my first student on final.

Congrats! You know better than I do, but is it normal to be that low on approach? Looks like you barely cleared the fence, but probably just the angle.

Anywho well done!
Perfect! Your glider is all set for Red Nose Day! Hope you have many happy students and the success you dream of!

Rock on dude!

I'd give ya some business if you were local to me
"Congrats on being my first student, two weeks ago this business didn't even exist....well you ready?"
Cool! I'll be lookin to see a Glider on the Sectional there sometime soon. Which airport are you operating of? Are you using your 182 to tow?
Pretty cool! Where is this located? Did your first student know he was your first?

I've been a CFIG since 1978. He was our first student with our new business. I owned a similar operation in the early 90's.

We are located in Walla Walla. WA. Airport S95. Martin Field.
Congrats! You know better than I do, but is it normal to be that low on approach? Looks like you barely cleared the fence, but probably just the angle.

Anywho well done!

Optical illusion. The fence is across the road. We land on a grass field next to the runway.
Perfect! Your glider is all set for Red Nose Day! Hope you have many happy students and the success you dream of!


When we bought the glider it has just been painted. There was only the while paint. I had my A & P paint the red on the tips & nose. My wife threw a fit when I told her I told him to paint the nosecone red. Now she understands why. The glider is much more visible especially on final.

It was her idea to stripe the tail.
Congrats. I'd be a customer but you're just about as far away as possible in the lower 48.