Osprey Hunting


Loved how at 1:18 when the bird shook off the water while in flight.

Thanks for finding and sharing that
Will never forget the time I tied up a rubber dinghy to a channel marker in the chesapeake bay (just outside of Oxford, md) to go fishing. The osprey that came back to feed its young was ****ED. those are tough birds

Tying up to a channel marker to fish is not exactly great seamanship but I was probably 15 years old at the time and bored from living on a sailboat with my family for the past few weeks
That was amazing. Watch the birds wings as it approaches the dive by folding them. How the talons are prepared for the hit way before impact. Very cool.

I think that bird was definitely over gross. ;)
Amazing vertical launch with that last catch. Not gonna let that one go. Now hold still dagnabit, I'm trying to fly here.
I was taking my boat from Bath, ME to Five Islands(Georgetown) via Sasanoa River. Getting within eye-shot of the harbor where I'd moor the boat I heard some screaming and it was loud. Already slowing because I'd soon be in the mooring area of many lobster boats, I spotted the resident on the day marker. And she was excited on that July day. Barely with way I left her about 100 feet to port and managed to get a few camera shots. She continued to scream. Those babies must have been hungry, though their security wasn't threatened by me.
The 2nd image is the harbor at Sheepscot Bay Boat Company, Five Islands.



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OK maybe I'm reading too much into this video, but towards the end with that big fish doesn't it look like the Osprey is holding the fish into the wind for less drag? If the feet were hanging naturally the fish would be sideways, yet this one is being held front to the wind.

Very cool, thanks for posting.
OK maybe I'm reading too much into this video, but towards the end with that big fish doesn't it look like the Osprey is holding the fish into the wind

exactly, they feel what is happening and do what they can to correct.
I was canoe camping in Maine on Lobster Lake (north of Greenville/Moosehead Lake) and one morning got out of my tent and saw a Bald Eagle swoop down and grab a fish out of the water right in front of me. A little bit later a Beaver landed (DeHavilland) and dropped off some fisherman for the day. It was a great start to that day!
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exactly, they feel what is happening and do what they can to correct.

Yup. They'll "streamline" the fish.

We fed a bald eagle up in the middle of nowhere in Canada one day and her mate and chicks... reel in a Walleye, wack it over the head on the side of the boat, and toss it in the water a few yards away so mom or dad would come get it. On the second fish (which was very large), the male tried to grab it, couldn't carry it and screamed when he dropped it... the female came off the nest at high speed and he swapped places with her on guard duty while she did the same thing that Osprey did... ground effect... all the way across the lake until a zoom-climb to the nest at the last second... straight up the tree.

Got to watch all this raptor airmanship up close, and the babies got to eat well that day. They're such better aviators than we are... it's amazing to watch up close.