#OSH16 Jambalaya/Chili Invite Thread


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
Display Name

Display name:
Grant Prellwitz
WHAT: The annual PoA/Babes/BaconFest where we all conspire to get Jay so wasted he still complains years later.

WHEN: Tuesday evening, as in years past. To accommodate those planning to make #OSHBash, we'll plan to start appetizers around 7:15 and the Jambalaya & chili around 7:30. Even if you stay for their entire event, you'll still (probably) find food left!

PROVIDED: We provide jambalaya (andouille sausage, shrimp, chicken, rice, vegetables, and spice) and chili. (We have the vegetarians well covered, just ask Steingar). We may just possibly have some margaritas. There will be a limit on how many you can have, except for Jay and China, who will be attesting to why we have a limit!

BRING: You provide libations (beer, iced tea, lemonade, water and soda goes with both dishes, wine not as much, though some enjoy it; sparkling wine goes with everything) French bread, cheese, crackers, bacon, sausage, BACON JERKY, chips, salsa, hummus, guacamole, desert, fruit, veggies or whatever you wish to provide. If you can't bring something, come anyway! We understand how hard it is to schlep stuff around the grounds. If you want to drop something off in the morning, that works too.

Bringing chairs is a good idea, but there will be some around, too.

WHERE: same place as last year, Camp Bacon in Camp Scholler. Go out the fly mart in the southwest corner, next to the Red Barn Camp Store. Walk a block south on FOREST HOME. You'll see a WiFi station on the northwest corner at Lindbergh. We're the group on the southeast corner. The food will be near the big green 10-person tent.

On the map, I've put a large star at the approximate location of Camp Bacon. We're kitty-corner southeast from that, on the south side on Lindergh between Forest Home and 48th.

COST: free! Yes, there is a hat for donations because some have asked, but they are totally voluntary!

PLEASE RESPOND ON THIS THREAD IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO COME AND IF YOU'LL BE BRINGING ANYTHING SO PEOPLE CAN GAUGE QUANTITIES! Last year we had about 50 people! And there's a big white sturdy tent to provide shelter should a storm happen again!
We'll miss it this year Grant. Hope everyone has a great time.
Count me in, someone has to make the damn chili. You'll have to come see the new airplane!

Beans or no beans and which is the technically correct way to make Chili?
I forget.
I'm in! I hate to speak for him, but since @ChemGuy is flying up with me, I'm guessing he will probably come too.
Beans or no beans and which is the technically correct way to make Chili?
I forget.

I follow Leslie's recipe at Oshkosh and it always turns out yummy (mostly due to her superlative spice mix). The stuff I make at home isn't entirely dissimilar, though considerably more fiery. But I wouldn't make that for a big gathering like this, since not everyone can tolerate my volcanic tastes. My chili always contains beans.
[Newman voice]Did someone say....JAMBALAYA!!!
[\Newman voice]
I have to check with @tecprotb. He was gracious enough to offer me a seat in his plane.
I am going to follow his lead on how one Oshkoshes properly.
Sharon and I are planning on attending provided we get there in time. Plan on leaving KC early Tuesday morning.

Karen and I will be there.

I'll have to hunt y'all down. I'll be there starting Sunday evening over in Scholler

Where are y'all planning on parking your aircraft, respectfully? GAC or VAC?

I have to check with @tecprotb. He was gracious enough to offer me a seat in his plane.
I am going to follow his lead on how one Oshkoshes properly.

I'll try also to meet up with you. Your number still the same?

Oh, up to 3 for the dinner. If I have a chance to get to Wally World, I'll pick up some stuff to offer.
Looks like I'm going to have about a gallon and a half of Margarita by the time I'm done. Is Leslie bringing a canister of salt or shall I pack that in as well?

I hope everybody that likes Margaritas likes them on the rocks, because getting crushed ice in the campgrounds is a royal pain in the labonza.

Where are y'all planning on parking your aircraft, respectfully? GAC or VAC?

I've done the north 40 thing and that's enough. Ha. We decided OSH is about seeing friends and if we stay the whole week, we bring the fifth wheel and do Scholler. Airplane jaunts will be saved for years when we can only do a couple of days.
Looks like I'm going to have about a gallon and a half of Margarita by the time I'm done. Is Leslie bringing a canister of salt or shall I pack that in as well?

I hope everybody that likes Margaritas likes them on the rocks, because getting crushed ice in the campgrounds is a royal pain in the labonza.l

My margarita salt is pretty old. We'll need fresh. And we always do them on the rocks.
Might be there. Had a buddy bail on me last night so I may be making the trek myself. Hopefully pilots are a friendly bunch. Judging by this thread it seems like they are.
I have not met one person on here in person that wasn't friendly, welcoming, smartazz, fun to be around.
Except @timwinters. Man... That guy ;)
Ok, looks like OSH is on for me! I'll do my best to make it over and hang out with you guys. I'm flying a 231 up with the Mooney Caravan, but I'll probably wander over solo.
@gprellwitz , thanks for putting this on! :)
I'll be there but then again thats where I'm camping :)
Look forward to sharing a meal and a beverage with you all!

If anyone is trying to think of things to bring, I think:
name tags
good hot sauce. (I usually use Tabasco, but that's just the conservative in me.)

I think we have plenty of bowls and red Solo cups.
If anyone is trying to think of things to bring, I think:
name tags
good hot sauce. (I usually use Tabasco, but that's just the conservative in me.)

I think we have plenty of bowls and red Solo cups.

I think we have more plastic and regular spoons in the trailer unless we forgot to re-stock...

Remind me and we'll look or ask Karen who just knows all of these things. I just open the cupboards and drawers and gawk around looking for stuff. Haha.

I didn't see this in time to just pick you up a billion of them at the Dubuque Walmart where we always make our last "I know what we forgot..." stop.

If you think you'll need more, I can always make a Walmart run in Bubba the truck... ;-)
I will be there and can bring all the spoons you can need. Costco qty, and forks ran out way before anything else. Oh yeah, and home brew.
Well, it looks like Sharon and I won't make it this year. Too many other things got in the way. See you all next year.
Best meal at Oshkosh every year. We just love you guys. Thanks Leslie and Grant!