OSH weather

We've had so much rain this year, in some cases too much, that everything in this area is greener than I can remember it normally being around this time of year. Makes for a scenic flight over the fields and forests of WI.

There has been a stationary front wandering around us for the past week and a half so we've had a pretty unstable weather pattern with a constant threat of showers & storms almost every day lately. If the past week or so would have been Oshkosh week we'd all be annoyed.

Looking at that forecast I'm happy to see things are finally going to settle down and stabilize, also the temps look nice.
This Ohio boy would love to see it work out like that - hoping to leave on Saturday.

I don't know if this is of any value to anyone, but I put together some simple HTML to let me see some of the weather images that I'm interested in without having to load an entire page of crap. I use this with my smart phone and your mileage may vary!


And no fair making fun of the source code! I confess to having sub-marginal html knowledge.

I've never flown to Oshkosh without dodging thunderstorms, and never stayed there without being rained on by them. All part of the mix.
I've never flown to Oshkosh without dodging thunderstorms, and never stayed there without being rained on by them. All part of the mix.

That is because you wait to fly until late afternoon! You should be leaving early in the morning and meeting us a VPZ! :D
We've had so much rain this year, in some cases too much, that everything in this area is greener than I can remember it normally being around this time of year. Makes for a scenic flight over the fields and forests of WI.

On our flight to Denver last week we saw a lot of the remains of the floods especially in Iowa. My heart goes out to all those affected. It wasn't pretty, but it sure was green.