Open Airplane allows individual owners to rent their planes

- It allowed me to get a checkout (and MY first ever ride) in a G1000 172 (yes, Kent from PilotCast I thought about your podcast when you came to Florida and did the same years ago...what happened to the podcast?)

Sigh... I really need to get some new episodes out!!! Life happened.
It's a concept that is only going to fit a detached "owner" at best but I think in reality it is just a scheme for certain entrepreneurs (as they love to call themselves) to pick up cheap old airplanes and collect money for letting people fly them. Who's gonna put in the love and who's gonna pick up the tab? well that's the big question. It ain't about insurance because insurance is just another scam in itself.

Okay let's see a show of hands among owners here - who is just itching to jump at this opportunity to let Joe Schmuck, or well - a "qualified" Joe Schmuck, take their pride and joy out for a jaunt with his GF and buds for some cash?

Not a chance.