Online security


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 23, 2006
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I'm volunteering for a very small organization. They've asked me to put their membership spreadsheets on the cloud, create a system for online updates, etc. I'd like to encrypt the data before putting it online and institute other security since we don't want to expose our donors and members. I don't know much about security -- only alarmist stories, none of the actual methods. I don't know how to implement encryption. Can anyone advise me?

PS, I'm fairly computer-savvy, but get further out of date every day.
Remember, convenience and security are mutually exclusive, so you must decide how much security is acceptable vs how much trouble you're willing to go through. Do you want real security, or only enough to be able to stand in front a judge and say you did what was "reasonable and normal".

Will the data really be "spreadsheets"? How many people will be needing to see them? How many people will be editing them? Is editing them via the spreadsheet interface OK, or do you want some sort of database/form for editing?

Is there a location that could house equipment for your own Private Cloud?
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Look at SpiderOak and similar services

This, if what you're talking about is backup. Backblaze can also provide identical security if you create your own key. There surely are others, as well.

If you're talking about storage that enables you to work on and update the files in real time, then a lot more information is needed.
