OMG...they're falling out of the sky!!!!

I happened upon this USA Today article the way most of us read that paper I suppose, provided free of charge at a hotel. I logged on to POA to see if there was anything going in the way of a rebuttal, maybe by EAA/AOPA or some such. The article is worrisome because it paints a dire picture of GA, and seems compelling and factual to a disinterested non-pilot reader. Pilots comprise a tiny minority of the US. Consequently the regulatory environment in which we fly is shaped by non-pilots. The kind that read these articles. If this series goes unchallenged it won't be the death knell of GA by itself, but these things add up! I would be interested in reading a cogent rebuttal in a paper or blog written for the general public.
"I would be interested in reading a cogent rebuttal in a paper or blog written for the general public."

Good luck getting the lamestream media to publish facts. They're too busy writing fiction.
Unreal. This is just another pro big government guy thinking he knows everything. It is the same song every time, the government is smarter then we are, so they need to be involved in every aspect of our lives.