Old Flight Books & Stuff


Jun 9, 2005
I live in a house.
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I am in the process of cleaning out my flight bag, my room, my car and trying to declutter everything. So my question is what to do with all my old flight books, FAR/AIM's, old charts, Airport Facility Directors, etc., etc., etc? Do you keep them? Do you give them to someone who is interested in aviation, a young kid perhaps? Or do you just throw them out?

I still have some of my early stuff and have the same problem. I have an old instrument training guild dedicated to Howard Stark, (a pioneer in instrument flight). Plus many other books and PAA training guilds. I have been giving my old charts to kids who like to learn about pilotage and dead recogning. I would like to find schools or organizations that would or could use these books and guilds. Like you I can't throw these out.

John J
I toss everything except the old charts into the recycle bin. The charts my kids and I use to wrap birthday presents for non-pilot friends. Most ordinary citizens have no idea that there are RULES for flying.
If you have any Young Eagles rallies in the area, bring the old stuff to them. Maybe the local Civil Air Patrol or Flight Explorers would want it.
Some stuff I keep, others I give to people interested in aviation. Some stuff ends up in my museum to look at in a few years to see what has changed.

I always keep at least one generation back of charts for planning purposes and always keep at least one of each chart to cover the entire country.

Xmas is coming. Wrapping paper is expensive and IMO lame. You already have the charts and they have character. I know of at least one person that kept my wrapping paper and put it up on their wall.
I toss most of it. Approach charts & AF/M's go in the recycling (at least until some nosy neighbor thinks I'm a terrorist...), charts get used for wrapping paper.
I've got this hugely massive pile of all that crap in my junk, er computer room, at home. For some reason, I feel the need to have 6 Cincinatti sectionals laying around.
I keep a cycle or two of sectionals and enroutes to give to pilots from out of the area. Other go to wrap presents at Christmas. Try to get the city of the recipient.

AIM, AFDs and approach charts recycle.