Okay rookie maintenance question follows...

Well then, looks like you have it all figured out.
I want to take the nose wheel off...
You do realize you can remove the cowling and raise the nose by attaching can engine crane to the engine lift eye?
So for those of you on the edge of your seats wondering...tied the tail down to the tub o concrete, jacked the wings up enough to raise the nose off the ground and did my thang. I had to change the bearings on the nose but repacked the mains as they were good. I think the guy before me tried to pull a fast one as the FAA-PMA parts were laser etched with, well....FAA-PMA and some additional numbers after that. It looked like the guy before me took an engraver and engraved FAA-PMA on the bearings. What a crafty guy. I took the wheels apart and bead blasted them and re-painted them with automotive wheel paint...side note..."can be handled within 1 hour but allow 7 days to fully cure" was a little interesting.

Thanks for all the advice and snarky comments, I can give as well as I take.
I haven't even got that far yet. I've been so busy with the annual and other honey do projects, I'll wait until the fall to check on enrolling for the A&P classes.