Oculus Rift

They aren't coming out until May 2015. I intend to buy one for X Plane. Beats 6 monitors :)
Just remember … those of us who worked with VR back in the day had very frequent problems with fatigue and motion sickness. Just a little bit of inaccuracy or lag in the model will make you very uncomfortable.

Shuttered glasses and polarization have been around for over 20 years, but never caught on in the gaming world. Keep that in mind with all the hype.
I had the first Oculus dev kit. It's amazing tech, and I'm eager for the consumer version. I did suffer from nausea/motion sickness after about 10 minutes, and I'm not normally susceptible to that. Now that there's full positional tracking, it would probably be a lot better. Also, the first version's resolution was way too low. IMO, it needs to use a 4k screen at minimum.