NYC Motorcycle / SUV Chase

Oh so that's the name of those guys (East Coast Bad Boyz) :). Never knew that.

Hey Rotty, next time I'm in the area visiting family, maybe we can meetup. When I lived in Newark, my daughter used to attend an art class right near your building.
Undercover cop didn't see NY driver attack

He later saw the bikers attacking the SUV but didn't see the motorist pulled from the vehicle and beaten, Karasyk said.
So an undercover detective riding with an outlaw motorcycle gang, sees motorcyclists attacking an SUV, yet he didn't try to intervene or investigate?

Seems like a fabricated story, to try to keep the detective from facing consequences.
Especially when there is new video of him beating on the back window of the SUV...
That's part of the point I was making.

I feel these crimes are not being taking seriously. During the government shutdown we are throwing the books at upstanding citizens for walking and jogging through parks; yet we treat crooked cops and convicts with kid gloves. The authorities don't seem to care about public safety. It's a culture of corruption.

Authorities try to explain thug’s sweetheart deal

Officials tripped over themselves Monday to explain how a thug who copped to gun and drug possession in the spring was still roaming around free last week - when he sparked the biker-mob beatdown of a Manhattan driver.
That's part of the point I was making.

I feel these crimes are not being taking seriously. During the government shutdown we are throwing the books at upstanding citizens for walking and jogging through parks; yet we treat crooked cops and convicts with kid gloves. The authorities don't seem to care about public safety. It's a culture of corruption.

Authorities try to explain thug’s sweetheart deal

Always has been.
I will bet there were at least 5 guns in the crowd since cops carry off duty. What do you think the outcome would have been if he had drawn and given them an excuse to shoot him?

You're leaping to the conclusion that the cops wanted to shoot him.

However, consider the minor little detail that if he had drawn a pistol, anyone else who did would likely have been the first target, and the thugs would have known that. Thugs rarely are looking for the chance to get shot.

However, it seems that you think he's better off having no way to defend his wife and daughter from these thugs. I don't buy that idea.
You're leaping to the conclusion that the cops wanted to shoot him.

However, consider the minor little detail that if he had drawn a pistol, anyone else who did would likely have been the first target, and the thugs would have known that. Thugs rarely are looking for the chance to get shot.

However, it seems that you think he's better off having no way to defend his wife and daughter from these thugs. I don't buy that idea.

I think reverse gear would have served him better.
. . .because it's easier to outrun a couple of dozen thugs on motorcycles when you're driving backward . . ?

Because he could have kept running over them rather than staying there. It's hard for them to beat you when they're running away from your 4500lb vehicle.
Because he could have kept running over them rather than staying there. It's hard for them to beat you when they're running away from your 4500lb vehicle.
the handling characteristics and the ground clearance of his vehicle running on two rims would unlikely be very effective or predictable tactically.

I will bet there were at least 5 guns in the crowd since cops carry off duty. What do you think the outcome would have been if he had drawn and given them an excuse to shoot him?
Shot cops, and/or cops prosecuted for shooting a victim of crime. Further damaging the already bad reputation of LE. The government, FOP and shysters would probably do their best to defend their brothers in crime. The perpetrator cops would likely be treated with kid gloves, if they received any discipline at all.

All the cops in the club should receive a caning for violating public trust. We really need to instill corporal punishment for our public servants .
I think our government officials should be subject to normal laws. Our normal laws don't include caning. I think the crooked cops should be fired for breaking the laws that they are supposed to enforce. I think they should be barred from public service. Any that participated in the harassment and/or attack on the SUV driver should be punished appropriately. Any cop that participated in any of the crimes, should be prosecuted and punished appropriately. Any cop that witnessed egregious crimes but did not intervene, should be prosecuted and punished for dereliction. Any cop that participated in any of the violence whether it be the attack on the vehicle or the driver, should be barred from carrying a firearm and being a public servant.
Laws change, UCMJ has hard labor, public servants could be held under a Code of Public Trust, include the politicians, 12 lashes for taking a bribe.
Undercover cop arrested in biker gang’s SUV attack

An off-duty undercover cop was charged with felony criminal mischief Tuesday after smashing the window of a Manhattan driver’s SUV in a fit of rage during a biker-mob attack, sources said.

“He totally lied when he said he did nothing [to help the victim] because he didn’t want to blow his cover,’’

…But it turned out that video caught Braszczok smashing Lien’s SUV window with his hand in anger during the road-rage attack, sources said.

I think the off-duty cop should be charged with additional things like giving false testimony, and obstructing justice.

Laws change, UCMJ has hard labor, public servants could be held under a Code of Public Trust, include the politicians, 12 lashes for taking a bribe.
Point made. I wasn't aware that lashings were still considered law. There is a lot of mostly forgotten laws that are still on the books that are no longer observed. Allegedly in many places it's illegal to be on the road at night without a lantern.
Undercover NYPD Cop in SUV Assault Charged With Riot, Criminal Mischief.

Charged is one thing, convicted is another. I expect something like 90 day suspension without pay and maybe a little community service, or just plain ol' acquittal.
Charged is one thing, convicted is another. I expect something like 90 day suspension without pay and maybe a little community service, or just plain ol' acquittal.
if that happens maybe he'll bump into Connor or Murphy McManus
Because he could have kept running over them rather than staying there. It's hard for them to beat you when they're running away from your 4500lb vehicle.

It's even harder for them to beat you when you've just put two 10mm Auto rounds to center of body mass of the one who is the greatest threat. And it's amazing how quickly the rest have other places to be.

Backing over them wouldn't have worked for long -- motorcycles get stuck under cars, and the cars can't move.
I have seen several instances of people talking about the LEO "blowing his cover".

I would venture to guess that his fellow biker pretty much know what he does for a living...if this is an undercover assignment, i haven't seen a thing about THAT printed anywhere...

Has anyone else?
I have seen several instances of people talking about the LEO "blowing his cover".

I would venture to guess that his fellow biker pretty much know what he does for a living...if this is an undercover assignment, i haven't seen a thing about THAT printed anywhere...

Has anyone else?

Nope, everywhere I've read all the cops have been "off duty".
It's even harder for them to beat you when you've just put two 10mm Auto rounds to center of body mass of the one who is the greatest threat. And it's amazing how quickly the rest have other places to be.

Backing over them wouldn't have worked for long -- motorcycles get stuck under cars, and the cars can't move.

Ok, but a one against five shoot out rarely works out in the favor of the one.
Ok, but a one against five shoot out rarely works out in the favor of the one.

He pulls his, they (off duty cops) pull theirs=dead driver, wife & kid. No doubt about it.

I'm a little surprised they didn't draw on him as he used his SUV to defend himself and family. Too bad he didn't put more of them in the hospital. And I'm glad that the one he did, didn't die.
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All I can say is wow, NYPD = "Not Your Public Defender."
Sources say at least two detectives witnessed the attack on Alexian Lien and did not directly intervene.
5 off-duty officers among bikers in SUV incident

5 Off Duty New York Police Officers Among Bikers in SUV Incident

Allegedly there were five or more LE employees riding in the motorcycle gang. Allegedly two or more witnessed the attack. We now know that at least one participated in the attack.

How come we haven't heard more about the other LE officials that were riding in the gang? What were their roles? Are they being investigated? They ought to be.

LE is supposed to protect and serve. LE is supposed to uphold the laws.

LE actively took part in this outlaw gang. LE actively took part in breaking the law and putting the public in danger. That should not be acceptable behavior. This needs to be investigated, and appropriate action needs to be taken.

What happened to the other police officer that allegedly witnessed the attack but did nothing? It should be considered dereliction.

Don't many police departments require that off-duty police intervene if there is a significant risk to public safety or egregious crime? Don't some police departments require that officers carry a weapon and badge off-duty?

If the other officers that allegedly participated in the ride, didn't see the attack on the SUV and driver, I don't think that necessarily puts them in the clear. If they witnessed or participated reckless illegal behavior, that endangered the public then they should be held accountable. Even if they only witnessed reckless illegal behavior, inaction enabled the dangerous activity to escalate until it became violent and resulted in injuries.

Some of the stories that mention the five or more police officers that participated in the ride, have either been removed or edited. It almost seems as if there might be an effort to cover up the alleged involvement of other police officers.
Bloomberg(fingers in ears) - lalalalallalallaalalalalallalallalallalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalala. I can't heeeeeeeeereee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Bench trial coming. Or - a plea with no prison time.

We are all equal before the bar of justice.

Anyone want a bridge I have for sale? Close by, just in Brooklyn.
Bench trial coming. Or - a plea with no prison time.

We are all equal before the bar of justice.

Anyone want a bridge I have for sale? Close by, just in Brooklyn.

I'm not sure he's going to get off easy, he may get thrown under the proverbial bus to save the rest of the badges that were on that ride. They've got to feed someone to the public's ire.
The undercover cop that took part in the motorcycle gang attacks. Allegedly: Wojciech Braszczok (aka evovillen).

I think if he would have done his job he wouldn’t have blown his cover. I wonder why he hasn’t been charged with making a false statement and or obstructing justice? This kind of trash should be purged from our government.

Who Is Wojciech Braszczok? Meet The Undercover Cop Who Took Part In NYC Biker Gang Assault On SUV Driver [PHOTOS]

Undercover Cop In SUV Brawl Spied on Occupiers at Birthday Parties
Not that anyone noticed. Did crooked undercover cop blow his cover a long time ago on twitter while infiltrating occupy wall street protest?
(link likely to go dead soon)
Our own helicopter.
On April 1, Braszczok, whose family are Polish, uploaded the picture of the NYPD helicopter as it apparently monitored them.

Photos of Wojciech Braszczok, at Occupy Wall Street
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Wojciech Braszczok, the undercover detective that participated in the motorcycle gang attack on the SUV. Whether anybody noticed or are not, apparently he compromised his own cover by using the same alias for undercover work that he has used to disclose that he was in law enforcement.

He seemingly used the same alias "evovillen" to infiltrate the "Occupy" movement as he did to reveal he was in law enforcement.

about 3 years ago
Posts: 4
Member since: Oct 2009

Are u kidding me, not a comfortable area, I'm a cop and I patroled
LIC. Maybe u felt uncomfortable cause it is a large commercial
deserted area at night. But far from unsafe in my opinion.
Internal Affairs

Allegedly five or more LEOs were involved in the outlaw motorcycle gang ride. Another Johnny-come-lately has stepped forward. He is in internal affairs, which smells of possible conflict of interest.

Not that he was necessarily involved in the attack, however it is suspicious and unethical to apparently take so long to step forward.

What about the other LEOs that allegedly were involved in the motorcycle gang ride? Are they being investigated?

Not that I think that there's anything wrong with riding in motorcycle rallies. But I do think it's wrong to participate or be complicit with significant illegal activity and for not intervening or reporting it in a timely fashion. Not necessarily that everyone that participated in the ride witnessed or participated in criminal activity. If the LEOs that allegedly participated in this ride were so innocent, then why didn't they step forward in a more timely fashion. It suggests a culture of corruption.

NYPD Internal Affairs Officer Present When Bikers Attacked SUV, Sources Say
The officer, a five-year veteran assigned to the IAB's command center, quietly came forward a few days ago - to the shock of his supervisors, sources said.

The IAB is responsible for monitoring wrongdoing by fellow officers and is currently investigating those involved in the same SUV attack the IAB officer was allegedly a part of…

Charges the IAB officer could face include obstructing governmental administration and official misconduct, sources said.
Culture of corruption within law enforcement? Say it isn't so! Color me shocked that it all didn't end with Serpico.
I'm not sure he's going to get off easy, he may get thrown under the proverbial bus to save the rest of the badges that were on that ride. They've got to feed someone to the public's ire.

Um, that's why he's going to get off. I can hear is PBA lawyer now to the DA; 'either he walks, or he talks. You choose'.
Lein family are going to be millionaires in a few months, or a year or so.
What happened to the other police officer that allegedly witnessed the attack but did nothing? It should be considered dereliction.

The US Supreme Court has found that a cop -- even ON DUTY -- can't be sued for failing to act, even if a death results from that inaction. They aren't there to protect individuals.

This is why it's the utmost in hypocrisy for the government to deny you the right to defend yourself when they refuse to.
The US Supreme Court has found that a cop -- even ON DUTY -- can't be sued for failing to act, even if a death results from that inaction. They aren't there to protect individuals.

This is why it's the utmost in hypocrisy for the government to deny you the right to defend yourself when they refuse to.
The supreme court is often wrong, that's why decisions are often reversed.

If I recall correctly the Supreme Court decision was that cops don't always have to respond. In other words by by default police should normally be held accountable for their actions, and should be subject to being sued for failing to do their job.

There are some circumstances where police should be immune to lawsuits. Such as if they are overwhelmed. Like if there is a disaster, they would have to ration and prioritize their response. However there are many circumstances that I think does not fall under the Supreme Court's ruling, if it does it shouldn't. If cops are too lazy or prejudice to respond to a significant crime and if there isn't a justified reason, then they shouldn't have immunity. Law enforcement and our government has a duty to protect and serve, if they don't then they should be prosecuted for dereliction, and should be held liable. Under the Constitution, we are supposed to have equal protection under the law. When police officers and other government officials use our prejudice with providing protection and services; they are violating the Constitution. They should be prosecuted accordingly.

The vast majority of police that hide behind that Supreme Court ruling, should be fired, prosecuted and barred from public service. Every time I've personally heard a cop used that Supreme Court ruling; they were corrupt, derelict and incompetent.

Part of the reason that law enforcement has such a bad reputation. It is because they are so corrupt and so derelict. They often claim they care about the law, justice and public safety; but very often their actions prove otherwise.

How do you think the public feels, when police say they are too busy to do their job when there is egregious crime or a significant threat to public safety? Police goof off so much, that they have a reputation for goofing off at the donut shop. Policies have shifted the goofing off away from the donut shops, but never less than goofing off continues. I often see police loitering shooting the breeze about who got beded, ballgames results etc. yet when there is menacings, assaults, drunken driving, drug abuse, drug dealing, etc. law enforcement often claims they are too busy to file report or do an investigation. Sometimes they even harass, slander and threaten to arrest the person trying to file a complaint.

In part our government doesn't have any credibility because they don't properly vet themselves. They don't do their duty and they don't abide by the law.
This is why it's the utmost in hypocrisy for the government to deny you the right to defend yourself when they refuse to.
Our founding fathers had the foresight to know that there inherently is an element of corruption, incompetence and dereliction in law enforcement. Our founding fathers knew that even if law enforcement is honest and doing its best; that they can't be everywhere all the time.

That's one of many reasons why our founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the Constitution. We can't depend on law enforcement and other agencies in our government.
That's one of many reasons why our founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the Constitution. We can't depend on law enforcement and other agencies in our government.
You are entitled to your opinion in your treatise. But you are not entitled to your own facts. The reason, the MAIN reason and really the only one that counts as it was the only one that was really discussed in detail at the time, is that the founding fathers did not want to have to pay for the maintenance of a standing army. Note, if you look up what Congress can do they are allowed to form a Navy and regulate an Army/Navy [Article 1 Section 8]

They were a little scared of having a military with a lot of power as well. The south specifically needed the miltia system to handle the slave uprising and was afraid that a standing army could be used against them to abolish slavery. An interesting article about exactly that fear is here LINK Mostly the new nation of the USA knew they did not have the funds for a standing army. That is why there is a 2nd Amendment, to have a militia that could be easily called up. The rest of the so called reason are wishful thinking or extrapolations of minority points of view.
You are entitled to your opinion in your treatise. But you are not entitled to your own facts. The reason, the MAIN reason and really the only one that counts as it was the only one that was really discussed in detail at the time, is that the founding fathers did not want to have to pay for the maintenance of a standing army. Note, if you look up what Congress can do they are allowed to form a Navy and regulate an Army/Navy [Article 1 Section 8]

They were a little scared of having a military with a lot of power as well. The south specifically needed the miltia system to handle the slave uprising and was afraid that a standing army could be used against them to abolish slavery. An interesting article about exactly that fear is here LINK Mostly the new nation of the USA knew they did not have the funds for a standing army. That is why there is a 2nd Amendment, to have a militia that could be easily called up. The rest of the so called reason are wishful thinking or extrapolations of minority points of view.
Our founding fathers and the Constitution intended that people have the right to bear arms. The Constitution protects the right for the people to form armed militias. People that argue that militias have the right to bear arms, not the people is absurd.
[SIZE=+1]* James Madison: Americans have "the advantage of being armed" -- unlike the citizens of other countries where "the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]* Patrick Henry: "The great objective is that every man be armed. . . . Everyone who is able may have a gun."

[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]* George Mason: "To disarm the people [is] the best and most effectual way to enslave them."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

* Samuel Adams: "The Constitution shall never be construed . . . to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

* Alexander Hamilton: "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

* Richard Henry Lee: "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."[/SIZE]