No more Red Baron Squadron


Pattern Altitude
Mar 11, 2005
Southwest Missouri
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AOPA website announces RED Baron Squadron has been disbanded by Schwans. :(
That's a sad loss to GA demonstrations. The article on AOPA is about the team. At the end is what appears to be an addendum.

All of us like round numbers when it comes to celebrating anniversaries, but the Red Baron Squadron was never to make it to its thirtieth. On Dec. 3 the Schwan Food Company shocked the team’s staff with a decision to move in a new marketing direction due to changes in retail food sales—whatever that means. The Red Baron Squadron pizza box will still feature the helmeted pilot with flying scarf at the ready, but never again will parents hear their kids asking for Red Baron pizza on the way home from an airshow. The team has disbanded.
I have the same question about "whatever that means." I won't be eating any Red Barron Pizza.
I only bought Red Baron pizza because of the flying team. I guess it's Jack's pizza (not real great, but cheap & cooks fast, convenient when coming back from a trade show) or make my own (better, but takes a day to prepare).
I had two Red Baron pizzas in the freezer. Now they are in the garbage. No more Red Baron pizza for me.
Thats really sad. The team made a stop in my home town once. I wasn't there but I heard all about it.
Mr. Gibbons- thanks for the link. I posted my displeasure to them.
I like seeing those old dinosaurs airborne, so I wrote a letter of concern and boycott.