No Dreamweaver Demo?


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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My demo of Dreamweaver expired a month or so ago, so I uninstalled it. Since classes are over for the semester, I have some time to rework our website. I have an old copy of FrontPage 2000, but I really don't want to get hooked on it - especially since MS has dropped it from their product list. I would like to get fluent with Dreamweaver b/c it seems like most GUI web development is going the way of Adobe.

I went to the Dreamweaver site to try to d/l another demo version, but it's not listed on the "Trial Downloads" list. Are they not allowing it to be d/l as a demo anymore or am I missing something? I deleted all my cookies related to anything that could be tied to adobe/dreamweaver but it's still not being listed.

Any ideas?
sorry ... I didn't check it out ... just assumed it was a good link...

Yeah.. It was a good idea.. I'm sure there is some 3rd party server out there that still has it, I just don't keep up with stuff enough to find it.

I d/l MS's new "Expression" Web Dev. package for demo. We'll see how well it works. Maybe I can afford the full Dreamweaver package soon.

see above ... last edit seems to be what you're looking for
Hey, guys, if I have an existing website that I want to start modifying and updating, can I use Dreamweaver for that, or does it only play nice with sites originally created with Dreamweaver?
hmm - I downloaded the demo of Dreamweaver less than 2 weeks ago....wonder why they pulled it....

Might be because of how easy it is to crack. Sucks.
I recommend Microsoft's Visual Web Developer Express. It's free (not a demo) and it has all the functionality an independent web developer would need.

Hey, guys, if I have an existing website that I want to start modifying and updating, can I use Dreamweaver for that, or does it only play nice with sites originally created with Dreamweaver?

It really just depends on how complex the site is, and if it uses syntax that Dreamweaver doesn't comprehend very well. You can definitely give it a shot. You'll likely be able to do some simple content editing at least.
I recommend Microsoft's Visual Web Developer Express. It's free (not a demo) and it has all the functionality an independent web developer would need.
The main question I'd have about a MS product is how good a job it does at creating code that functions as intended in all (or at least most) browsers. What have been your experiences?
I recommend Microsoft's Visual Web Developer Express. It's free (not a demo) and it has all the functionality an independent web developer would need.

It really just depends on how complex the site is, and if it uses syntax that Dreamweaver doesn't comprehend very well. You can definitely give it a shot. You'll likely be able to do some simple content editing at least.

Well, it was originally created with Dreamweaver, but all editing since has been very basic HTML-only in a text editor.
Well, it was originally created with Dreamweaver, but all editing since has been very basic HTML-only in a text editor.

You can import websites from within Dreamweaver. I just tried it, and it worked beautifully!
emacs ... then only editor I've run into that's so obtuse it tells you what the exit command is as you fall into it accidentally ...
well, this thread has really headed off to > /dev/null
edlin is for sissies. real men use copy con and end with ^Z
I thought about mentioning that, but didn't because it's not an editor. I did my first paper in college using SuperWylbur, just so I could output to a laser printer.