Nix the six


Final Approach
Apr 21, 2011
Madison, OH
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I was making a spreadsheet to help me balance the omega 6:3 ratio in my diet. Seems that since WWII we've been eating way too many omega sixes which increase inflammation and cardiovascular risk. Then I ran across Dr. Lands' website and decided to include his Omega Balance Score in it too, since it predicts the actual effect dietary fatty acids have on tissue amounts. For example, walnuts have an omega 6/3 ratio of 4:1, which seems good, but have a Balance Score of -44 which is really, really BAD!

I need to download an Access food nutrient database from the USDA, but I don't have Access, just Excel. The Excel database I do have doesn't have all the fatty acids Dr. Lands uses in his Equation #3. Would somebody who uses Access be willing to download the file on my behalf, export it to xlsx (keep the original formatting) and zip it to me in an email? If it turns out to be what I'm looking for, you're welcome to use the spreadsheet I made for helping pick foods that will balance your omega ratios, show the percentages of protein, fats and carbs, and a running total of calories consumed. I know there are apps that do these things, but not the way I wanted. Please start a conversation if interested and/or just talk about the omegas in this thread. Thanks.
Do they not make the data available in csv?
Do they not make the data available in csv?
Well, my current database came in csv, but all the columns I'm interested in seem to have mostly NULL or "0", very few cells have actual data. That's why I thought I'd try the Access route this time.