Nintendo Wii


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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
So Tommy has been saying he wants a Nintendo Wii since... well, since they were first announced as an upcoming product.

So, naturally, since they have become available for sale (before Christmas some time), they have been being snapped-up and resold on eBay by leeches (and sorry, but if you do this, that is what you are).

There is even a real-time website which polls sales sites for "in-stock" status on Wiis, and they go in-stock to out of stock in a matter of minutes, kinda freaky. Plus, the on-line stores sell only "bundles," meaning Nintendo's "less costly" Wii ($249.00 list) quickly becomes a $700.00 purchase, with a raft of unwanted games and accessories.

So Celia gets up this morning and, on a tip from someone, checks the on-line Target ad, and they show Wii for sale. Store opens at 0800. We drove there, knowing we were bound to be too late (it was 7:40).

When we got there, we found 7 other people ahead of us, and a very pleasant fellow opened the door, and gave us a business card with "8" on it; he told me that they had eight to sell. :yes:

Before the store opened, another 10-12 folks showed up, but they gave no numbers after (I think) 10 or so.

Store opened, we went to the service desk and Wiis were sold in sequence, with polite humor pervading the process. I think everyone in line was buying for their kid except one, twenty-something, who gave attitude when the manager told him he could buy only one (to glares from the rest of us). Bet the one he bought is on eBay already.

We got home, Tommy was up already, but I wrapped up the Wii console, as well as the second controller with games we also bought. I gave him the second controller to open and told him he'd get the Wii whenever we could find one, and he accepted that with good grace (I guess, because that meant he at least had the promise of one). Then we dished the console itself. Smiles ensued.

Happy Birthday to Tommy! Twelve years old today. :D
they have been being snapped-up and resold on eBay by leeches (and sorry, but if you do this, that is what you are).
Sometimes when you are completely broke and have bills to pay, and no food to eat, doing something like this starts to look like a good option. I did it with the Xbox 360 launch because I needed the money. I cared a lot less about someone else getting it to play on Christmas versus me needing to eat. That said the last two launches I did not do it as I did not need the money.

Happy Birthday to Tommy! Twelve years old today. :D
Happy Birthday Tommy!

Edit: This was Jesse. I forgot that I'm on Tristan's laptop

Edit: This was Jesse. I forgot that I'm on Tristan's laptop


I figured I'd hear from you on that, and I was kinda trolling for it.

Actually, I guess I am more unhappy with the whole mindset that pervades here, the "gotta have it now" thing that allows folks to justify, in their minds, paying substantially above list price for an elective consumer good. Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo, whatever.

I would not, under any imaginable circumstance, have paid above MSRP for this thing.

The biggest leeches are the ticket brokers who buy up all the tix for concerts and re-sell them, and the scum-sucking ticket selling services (TicketMaster, etc.) who help. That, and their "event fee" and "facility fee" and "convenience fee." I always want to ask: "Where is the inconvenient place at which I can buy the tickets without the "convenience fee"? If there is no such place (and there never is), then just call the ticket price the ticket price, and quit line-item-ing to look like less.
Crap now I really need to get down to your place Spike. Knock off your IFR rust in the day, get my butt kicked by Tommy on the Wii at night...
We got home, Tommy was up already, but I wrapped up the Wii console, as well as the second controller with games we also bought. I gave him the second controller to open and told him he'd get the Wii whenever we could find one, and he accepted that with good grace (I guess, because that meant he at least had the promise of one). Then we dished the console itself. Smiles ensued.

Bahahaha... I pulled the same stunt on my girlfriend on Valentine's day, but made her drive around to all the stores with me in a desperate hunt for one (when hers was waiting at her house the entire time). I just got lucky that day, on a whim I went by Wal-Mart during lunch and there was one left. My friend stood guard while I sought a blue jacketed worker. The consoles really are amazing. :D

Happy Birthday Tommy, you'll love it!

I figured I'd hear from you on that, and I was kinda trolling for it.

Actually, I guess I am more unhappy with the whole mindset that pervades here, the "gotta have it now" thing that allows folks to justify, in their minds, paying substantially above list price for an elective consumer good. Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle Me Elmo, whatever.
The ones that p*ss me off are the car dealers that sell new models 20-50K over sticker, like when the 05 Mustang came out, the PT Cruiser, Chevy SSR and now the Mustang Cobra and what gets me is people pay it.:dunno: Just wait and see what they do when the new Dodge Challenger and Chevy Camero come out next year.
My 20 year old son got one when they first came out last year. He and his buddy camped out all night at a Sears and got the second of only two that the store had. He bought it to keep though. The whole family has been having fun with it. Wii Sports, that comes with it, is a good group game and one that gives us video game challanged parents actually a chance of being competative with the kids.
My 20 year old son got one when they first came out last year. He and his buddy camped out all night at a Sears and got the second of only two that the store had. He bought it to keep though. The whole family has been having fun with it. Wii Sports, that comes with it, is a good group game and one that gives us video game challanged parents actually a chance of being competative with the kids.

Wii Play is another good one like Wii Sports, and it comes with an additional Wii Remote. :D
So Tommy has been saying he wants a Nintendo Wii since... well, since they were first announced as an upcoming product.
Does he want it as bad as Cartman?

Perhaps the Sea Otter faction aka the Allied Atheist Alliance (AAA), will help him obtain one from the abandoned technology museum in New New Hampshire??!!!
Does he want it as bad as Cartman?

Perhaps the Sea Otter faction aka the Allied Atheist Alliance (AAA), will help him obtain one from the abandoned technology museum in New New Hampshire??!!!

Man, I just *know* there's a laff-riot in that post, but I am damned if I know the code. :dunno: Something about South Park, I know that much. Dish the rest!
Man, I just *know* there's a laff-riot in that post, but I am damned if I know the code. :dunno: Something about South Park, I know that much. Dish the rest!

Basic synopsis (Spoilers...):

Wii is released two weeks from today, Cartman has been wanting one since they announced it. Unable to contain himself, he enlists the help of Butters to bury him in the snow, freezing him for the two weeks and then he can be unthawed when the Wii is released. Well Butters helps him and a snowslide buries Cartman and he is essentially forgotten for a few years (hundreds to thousands...). He awakes in a future where there is no Wii except for one in a old technology museum, and they can't get it to work on the future's technology. The other sidestory is that Richard Dawkins has succeeded with his wife in ridding the world of religion, under the premise that no religion would mean no more meaningless wars either. Well lo and behold, three factions of atheists are fighting, the Allied Atheist Alliance (who are all Sea Otters oddly enough..), the United Atheist Alliance, and someone else... But basically showing that people, being stupid, will fight over anything. More and more humor surrounding the future scenario and some more Richard Dawkins jokes (including that Dawkins' wife is actually Mr. Garrison), and finally Cartman gets sent back to his own time. The downside is they sent him back to when the Wii was 2 months from being released. He contemplates his plan again and gets a call from himself in the future who tells his present day self that he knows exactly what he is thinking and to not do it. I believe it ends with his present day self telling the future self to go screw himself or something.

That's the jist of it at least. :)