Niagara Falls

Stephan E.

Filing Flight Plan
Jan 27, 2010
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Stephan E.

I'm a PPL pilot based in Switzerland and I'll be coming to the States next week to do a 5 day round trip in the Northeast. One leg will take me to the Niagara Falls. I have of course taken a look at the restrictions as set out in 93.71 but since this seems to be quite a congested area (obviously) I would like to ask if there are any recomendations based on your experience which may not be included in the Special Procedures. For instance it says that you must stay over 3500 MSL. From your experience, is it wise to circle at 3500 or would it be more advisable to go to 4000 or something like that? Another issue involves the Canadian border: In order to actually fly over the horseshoe you would have to scratch the Canadian Airspace and I haven't found the respective regulations from Transport Canada yet. Is it worth the hassle to enter the Canadian airspace and to do all the things necessary for an international flight or would you say it's not worth it and just stay in the US-airspace? Any other things to think of (I'm going to avoid the weekend and will be there on a Monday)?.

Thanks for any input and best regards from Switzerland
Stephan if you pick up a copy of the AFD for that sector it has procedures stated in the book that you follow. Also if you land at KIAG they have a sheet with overflight instructions they give out. Finally if you are on flight following with Buffalo Approach they can assist as well. First I'd get the AFD and read the applicable section.
Another option is to arrange a lesson with an instructor at KIAG.
I've done it, making a right pattern at 3500 is fine, the helicopters stay well below that. Buffalo Approach will keep you separated from other traffic, provided you get flight following, which is highly recommended. You do not have to worry about Canadian air space, you can enter it at will, they won't be scrambling CF-18s after you. The Canadians only care if you are landing in Canada. If I'm not working when you do this I'd be happy to tag along in the right seat and handle the radio calls, since I have been talking to Buffalo every off day for a couple months now. That way you could just enjoy the ride
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You don't have to do anything with respect to Canada to fly the falls - The Canadians publish the same procedure the FAA does, and you'll be flying the pattern with both N-registered and C-registered planes. As long as you don't deviate from the procedure, you don't have to do anything special even though you are repeatedly crossing the border.

If you're worried about traffic, go at a non-peak time. We flew it on a Sunday, late afternoon in May and there was one other plane that joined us in the pattern (from the Canadian side.) If you're going on a Monday, you may well be the only plane there.

Also, Buffalo Approach cut us loose about 10 miles from the falls, so don't count on getting flight following. You'll need to be on the CTAF for the falls as well, so it's probably easier to manage one radio while you're flying the pattern so that you can hear when other planes self-announce.

Enjoy the trip! :yes:
I flew around the falls last year on my cross USA flight. I came in forom Jamestown NY, was with approach, but the cut me loose about 10 miles from the island that marks entry to the circuit, bu let me keep the squawk as I was going to return to them for flight following to Elmira.

Just follow the AF/D, keep your head on a swivel, and the clockwise orbit keeps the "passenger side" towards the falls.