New Years Eve Controller

Justin M

Line Up and Wait
Oct 23, 2016
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Had a variety of controller interactions today. The morning controllers seemed in good spirits despite having to work the holiday.

There were a lot of “Happy New Year”s exchanged between pilots and controllers.

The evening controllers were not so cheerful. I don’t blame them, but the circumstances made me chuckle.

Even one of my favorite controllers was not having it.

ATC: Cessna 436587 squawk vfr radar services terminated contract xxxx approach on 124.675 for additional services.
Cessna 436587 : say again for Cessna 436587?
ATC : Cessna 436587 squawk vfr

No clarification, no repeating the next sectors frequency. Just “ go away! “

But the best interaction went something like this:

pilot: Cherokee 12345 10 miles south with Sierra full stop.
Atc: Cherokee 12345 cleared to land runway 23
Pilot: um do you want me to enter a left down wind for 23?
Arc: I don’t care, do what you want … mmm … pilot’s discretion
2 minutes later
Pilot Cessna 65432 10 miles south with Sierra full stop.
ATC : Cherokee ahead of you, report in sight. Clear to land runway 23 number 2
Pilot: should I enter a left down …
ATC : do what you think is best, pilots discretion, do you see the Cherokee? Follow them. Clear to land runway 23 number 2

Ha ha ha.

The confusion in their voices and his “go away kid don’t bother me”. So funny.
Plane - “Do you want me to…”
Me - “ I want you to leave me alone so I can watch more scam the scammers on YouTube “

That’s a typical holiday for me

Bah humbug controller
Some people don't get this fact when they sign up for the job. You are going to work most weekends and holidays. It's the way it is, so better expect and accept it, or find some other industry to work in.
Some people don't get this fact when they sign up for the job. You are going to work most weekends and holidays. It's the way it is, so better expect and accept it, or find some other industry to work in.
It takes 5 full-time equivalents (FTEs) to staff each round-the-clock position. That makes it roughly 20% chance you'll be working at midnight on any given NYE. You also don't need push-level staffing at all hours of all days. Yes, you'll have to work some holidays, some nights, some weekends; but not all of the above. Seniority helps, too.
Some people don't get this fact when they sign up for the job. You are going to work most weekends and holidays. It's the way it is, so better expect and accept it, or find some other industry to work in.
It was the same way in my law enforcement career. I actually preferred working weekends and having weekdays. Much better for motorcycling, with the best fun roads being almost empty on my days off of Mondays and Tuesdays. Swing shift and graveyards sure beat waking up at 5:00 AM and fighting traffic all day!