New to you


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 3, 2012
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Hey all, I'm a new member and I thought I'd just pop up a post to introduce myself. I was directed to this site by DavidWhite from another forum and decided I'd check it out.

My name is Nick and I'm a commercial and instrument rated pilot. I'm currently working on my MEI/CFI initial at KAPA. I've been told there are quite a few PoA pilots based there and also just discovered the milehighflyers podcast which I'll be delving into further after this post. After doing all my initial training (up to Com. SE Add) in FL, I've found the wind, weather, and altitude of Colorado to be a different but exciting challenge.

I look forward to trying to help out with questions and observing/learning where I can to improve my aviation knowledge. Basically, what I'm trying to say is Hello! I'm excited to have found such a great resource.
Welcome, Nick! If you are a friend of David, you are a friend of mine. I was a back seat passenger in his plane and it was a blast. If you ever make your way to the SFO area, let me know.

Enjoy POA.
P.S. Keep an eye out for the word Colorado in any topic here. We have a pretty big group of Colorado pilots and we try to get together pretty regularly.

And come on over to KAPA anytime if you want to wander skyward in the 182.

See ya soon!
P.S. Keep an eye out for the word Colorado in any topic here. We have a pretty big group of Colorado pilots and we try to get together pretty regularly.

And come on over to KAPA anytime if you want to wander skyward in the 182.

See ya soon!

Beware said 182, it lands way too slow and sings while it's doing it! Stick with aircraft that have the wing in the proper location and don't depend on a chunk of iron to absorb any landing loads...
Beware said 182, it lands way too slow and sings while it's doing it! Stick with aircraft that have the wing in the proper location and don't depend on a chunk of iron to absorb any landing loads...

Slow is better! STOL kits are great.
Welcome Nick, from another KAPAer!