New Petition Calls For Action On Avgas Lead

"Oregon Aviation Watch" I haven't heard that name in a while. Took me a minute but I knew it rang bell.. I remember that foaming at the mouth rabid crazy *****.

IIRC She's the one who wrote the over-the-top letter to the FAA/NTSB rule making board or something like that.

Here's you're proof

EDIT: Here's who you're dealing with. Took me a while to dig her up on the internets.

or this:

Pending a full scale open, transparent, and comprehensive investigation, a moratorium should immediately be placed on all state and federal funding for Oregon airports. Strictly enforced requirements should be instituted to insure that public money does not subsidize private airparks, flight training schools, private aviation businesses and runway extensions on behalf of wealthy private jet owners. Monies currently earmarked for airports should be redirected to environmentally sustainable transportation alternatives such as high speed rail. The millions saved could also be dispersed to education, the social services, environmental safeguards, and other public sector programs that benefit the majority rather than an affluent few.
There are plenty of reasons that lead is not a great thing including fouling of plugs. However, if somebody wants to ban a substance or activity the onus is on them to supply factual information and not just "it's bad" or "I don't like it" type of arguments.

That's how liberals operate Gary. In JeffDGs words "they don't think, they feel"
Given the recent USSC decisions, I would not be at all surprised that one or all of these groups sues the EPA if it doesn't act favorably on the petition.
Given the recent USSC decisions, I would not be at all surprised that one or all of these groups sues the EPA if it doesn't act favorably on the petition.

SOP with or without the USSC decisions. They get free legal work and attempt to use it to their advantage (of course - who wouldn't?). The economics of their agenda are what is missing from all the arguments...
SOP with or without the USSC decisions. They get free legal work and attempt to use it to their advantage (of course - who wouldn't?). The economics of their agenda are what is missing from all the arguments...

Hence the 17+ TRILLION dollars debt...:mad2::mad2::mad2:
That, plus a few poorly thought out wars.

Yeah, sure. It was all those wars that caused the deficit.


Math is just so hard for some. a pity.