New Gaston's Website (Public Beta)

I love it, Jesse. Beautiful effects on the gallery. You're quite the codeslinger.

One bug, though: When I selected a photo album by member and viewed the photos, then closed out the gallery, the "Back" button on the browser didn't work.
This was with FF 2 on Windows XP. Haven't tried it on IE nor on any of my Linux machines.

Great work!

Hey, I even named the IF after him. :)

HAHA! Just saw that. I should have made fixes too.

"BUMPP" about halfway down, on the north side of the strip....
"WYRES" over the non-threatening wires.
"WRSIT" on downwind

Nice plate, I like!
If you, or someone, can provide me with some images. I can include them.
Jesse, here's one: Richards - Photo Album

I'm still waiting to hear back from Kaye and Leslie.

Or, there is the one that Chip had up on the previous home page. All of the ladies under the wing are pilots. Richards - Photo Album

Does anyone have a picture of Sheri with her airplane at Gaston's?

I didn't see the website until today. You've done a marvelous job and I'm very grateful for the dedication and effort you've put into this project.

Jesse, how is the new website coming along? :)


I didn't see the website until today. You've done a marvelous job and I'm very grateful for the dedication and effort you've put into this project.


Progress is being made. Here is the 'progress' meter of the working being done.

ah well we can now see that you've done about a whopping 15 minutes of work ;)
I see the problem. It's DIET Mt Dew. In order to get the full effect of MT Dew it has to be the sugared stuff. Also what helps, boil it down to double the concentration, then recool.
I was helping Jesse with a part of the site, and then went into a little funk this week. Y'all can blame me for the delay. I'll get on it.
It's all Nick's fault.
I'm getting very close to the website being ready for launch. With or without Nick's code :)
I'm getting very close to the website being ready for launch. With or without Nick's code :)
That's great Jesse. :yes: Just let me know when it's time to post the link on other forums.

Are there any girls in the pictures? Pictures of Tristan would be perfect. :)
I'm getting very close to the website being ready for launch. With or without Nick's code :)
Jesse, I got a test email from Bob, so it must be working, unless I wasn't supposed to get it. :D
Jesse, I got a test email from Bob, so it must be working, unless I wasn't supposed to get it. :D

That was me testing the contact system. I added you to the contact page. We're getting close.
(One feels the anticipation growing...)