New Cirrus CEO

I thought about putting digital sensors in my Mooney, who's gas gauges make a nice decoration but serve no useful function. But he time I bought them and the engine analyzer to go with them I was looking at a five thousand dollar investment for the boxes, not counting installation. My rule of thumb vis a vis installation is it's roughly as expensive as buying the boxes in the first place. Hence a 10 AMU investment. I think I'll have to live without.

yeah im in the same boat. i love all these upgrades, none pencil out for me. the valuation ratios got all screwed up when my kid was born and my wife got sick. nowadays outside of airworthiness mx on the airframe and engine, 100LL and lodging/tranpo cost at the destination are the only splurge that keep me copacetic. avionics pricing is anathema to my enjoyment of this hobby from an economic tolerance pov. i recognize that often gets misrepresented as a luddite argument, but i always emphasize it is not; only an economic one.

EAB, different story. im just not there yet on a life stage basis.