New Batteries for Tug


Oct 15, 2014
Los Angeles
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My partner and I bought a used tug for our Commander 114. (Getting the plane out of the hangar is downhill and no problem; getting it back in is a chore, especially at the end of a long day!) The tug is big, and is definitely overkill for our plane, but it was relatively inexpensive and available.

The tug is a 24-volt model, with a Schauer fully automatic battery charger. There are two 12-volt batteries linked together in series to power the 24-volt system. The batteries are Autozone Duralast Gold car batteries, both dated from 2009(!).

Well, one of the batteries blew up sometime this week. It didn't go from the sides, but rather blew its top off, tearing the top into several pieces! The charger was connected, but after the batteries are charged, the Schauer is supposed to go in "float" mode. My guess is the battery water got low, allowing a build-up of hydrogen gas. Luckily, the battery acid that blew all over the wing of the Commander didn't damage the paint, making me think the explosion had just happened within the previous day or so.

So my question is: For a tug that will be used at most 5-6 times a month, moving the plane about 30-50 feet each time, is there any reason to buy deep cycle RV type batteries? Or should we just get the cheapest car batteries we can get?


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I'd say get cheap car batteries & put a low current (750 ma) Battery Tender on each battery. Or you could get a single 24 V battery tender for a heckuva lot more money. The 12 V BTs have a built-in isolation transformer in them that allows two of them to be connected to series batteries yet plugged into the same line outlet. Others may have a different solution.

Sounds like something is wrong in the Schauer charger. Maybe try to fix it first? Whatever, you don't want to overcharge big lead acid cells.
Since you are not running them that long or discharging them that much, car batteries should do. It would be about the same as starting a car. Walley world seems to replace them for free after you buy them the first time... Seems about every two years.
Cheapest batteries you can find.

I know guys tugging king airs with electric golf carts, guys tugging C208Bs with little 5hp gas tugs.

You'll be fine.