New airport is open- KCXW Conway, AR


Final Approach
Mar 8, 2014
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Display name:
NFDD 172 - 1 09/05/2014
35-01-11.6 N
00924.05A 092-33-18.4 W

Instrument procedures will be avail from the Nov update. LPV and LNAV approach.

CTAF is 123.05

Right now, the runway, taxiway and ramp are open. Fuel is not avail, but they are in the process of self serve pumps and 100LL and Jet A full service.

The PAPI is being built and it will be the 1st all LED approach system in the entire US.

There is a covered wash ramp stall being installed at the T hangars. They are also looking to woo avionics and A&P's into the airport. Large commercial hangars are in the process of being built.

The terminal is small, but very nice!

I flew in last night and lighting control was good. The LED runway lights are more crisp than the halogen version. Taxi way lighting is not operational but is being installed and once fully completed be powered up.

Runway 04/22 is 100 ft wide and 5500 long 11" thick concrete. Approach using left traffic takes you right over the Arkansas River. There is a distinct lack of ambient lights around the airport environment. The runway is really the only lighted future in the area.

On approach, my Bi tchen Betty was screaming at me, Terrain! Terrain! Pull Up, Pull up! But this is due to it not being charted on the current cycle.

On runway 04, a leisurely roll out left me at Charlie turn out and right in front of the terminal which is convenient. The self serve pumps will be on the northeast side of the terminal when done.
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Well, once my rice's yearly maintenance is done, it will be time to check out the new airport!
You need to find an STc that will let you run that Bo on Saki!
Japanese rice alcohol drink....take it you don't do sushi much?
I guess Arkansas Moonshine would be made from rice.. Hmm...
Does KCXW have much traffic yet?

I like the watch the planes come land and take off at KCSW in my spare time. Does KCXW have a place to park and watch the traffic?
There is traffic, but not like CWS right now.... Once CWS closes, it should pick up. I don't know if there is a specific area for watching, there is a parking area the the north of the terminal with a good view of 22 take offs. A hangar is being built on the 04 side which when up, will block 04 views.
Shis, just sit in that georgious fbo....
The term has a full on bedroom suite too,......did you see it? Nicer than my home set up!
brian];1591589 said:
Shis, just sit in that georgious fbo....

I thought about doing that. But I also didn't want to just sit there if there was not much traffic coming in.

But once KCSW closes that may be my only choice when I'm here in Conway.

On another note are there and CFIs in Conway that are not affiliated with a flying club. I would like to get in an hour or two while here in addition to my training I'm doing in Houston. Mainly, so I don't go 2-3 weeks without flying.
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I don't know much about the Conway area - Unit74 is the local over there (although he has a really nice Piper.)

Sorry about the hit and run on the conversation about the fly-in. Been kinda down as I'll be buying a prop next week - after spending extra on a few improvements to the old bird, I didn't see that one coming ...
Ouch....getting a scimitar?
Ouch....getting a scimitar?

Not allowed. I have two options - but I'm buying an old 88" prop. I have 3 to chose from and one has been OH'd in Feb and might be my choice. I'll post more details once I'm flying again.. ugh..
I will take a look next year when I make my yearly trek to visit the Dad. I like CWS, friendly people and decent FBO. Where is the new airport compared to CWS? Foreflight doesnt have it listed yet.
It won't show up till the Nov update. Approx location:


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Thanks. They put that a ways (is that the right Arkansas term) outside of the town. I thought it was just on the other side of the town. Not a great distance but seems pretty far away from Conway.
It's technically in Mayflower on Lollie Rd. If you were to drive west on Dave Ward towards Toad Suck lock, just before getting to the river, turn left on Lollie Rd and go 4.4 miles.

It's out there for sure.