New ADIZ Warning System

I wonder how much it would cost to get some of those LED scrolling signs you see at newstands, restaurants, buses, etc., for the F-16's that patrol the area? You know, something that could be set up to say "Hey, you idiot, do you realize you're about to go down in a flaming ball of metal if you keep going that way?" :D
Brian Austin said:
"Hey, you idiot, do you realize you're about to go down in a flaming ball of metal if you keep going that way?"
PERFECT!!! ROFL I vote :yes:
Excerpt from the press release follows:

Three briefings times are scheduled for 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Signature Aviation, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, to demonstrate NORAD's Visual Warning System (VWS) that will become operational in the National Capital Region in approximately 30 to 45 days.

I know...lets all hop in our GA planes and fly in for the briefing....duh...really clueless, eh!?

Len Lanetti said:
Excerpt from the press release follows:

Three briefings times are scheduled for 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Signature Aviation, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, to demonstrate NORAD's Visual Warning System (VWS) that will become operational in the National Capital Region in approximately 30 to 45 days.

I know...lets all hop in our GA planes and fly in for the briefing....duh...really clueless, eh!?


No, Len, I think the point is made. :target: "We don' wan' no stinking flivvers in OUR airspace!!! Ever!!!"
Three letters: I-F-R. Filing around here is still easier than flying an VFR ADIZ flight plan. I think I'll write to the TSA and see if they will be willing to reimburse me for my training, LOL!