Never dieted before. How much weight can I safely loose in 3 weeks?

Ok, um, what exactly is totally false? So you lost 60 lbs on a HFLC diet therefore any other type of weight loss/eating plan won't work? A calorie is not a unit of measurement? Your n/1 study trumps science? I can assure you that you don't want to debate this further. Before you call something false, you better be able to back it up with something better than, "well, it worked for me". This is exactly the type of bro-science I warned the OP about. And just so you know, and I'll make this real simple, no, your body doesn't store protein. What your body does do is store fat, and excess protein becomes fat and is stored if you are eating more calories than you burn, science, it's fascinating. Your body turns everything you eat into a form of sugar to use for energy (over simplistic, I know) even protein.

See attached file from WebMD, numnutz.


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About 4 years ago now, I got the same idea you have. I put myself on a 1,200 calorie a day diet (it can be done without being hungry all the time) and exercised at least 30 minutes, six days a week. I lost 55 lb in 100 days. And I've kept 50 of those pounds off.

Now I just watch what I eat but not nearly as closely and exercise maybe three times a week - but that's all I need to do to maintain where I am.