[NA] undelete ipad email [NA]


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
So I caught part of an email on the ipad as I was dozing off, and accidentally deleted it.
Go to my email browser on the laptop...it's gone.
Any hope of retreiving it? Don't see a recycle bin on the ipad.

Go to the top level mail menu, go into the folders (not the inboxes at the top) and see if there's a trash folder either on the server or locally (depending on how you configured it).

There's also config options for how soon to delete items in the Trash on both the iPad and probably your desktop computer. If either was set to "delete trash at logout" it'll be gone.

If it's Gmail and the Archive option is turned on look in the Archive folder.
Cool. There's so many bloody settings surrounding the Trash (and Drafts) folders, deleted stuff can get weird. Was kinda guessing you hadn't tweaked them much.

(Stuff in my Trash is gone in 24 hours or as soon as I habitually delete it every time I'm paused and thinking about something on a desktop machine. It's my "I'm thinking about what to do next" habit, along with highlighting and unhighlighting text. I hear that latter one drives people nuts who are watching over my shoulder when I'm thinking about how to recover from a big outage, etc. Ha! I just tune them out and think. Bosses shoulder surfing doesn't fix dead servers. Grin.)