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Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Have some new employees (sales people) that I'm training this week and are on the phones for their first day.

I overheard something just now that wasn't correct or the way I trained it and I took the opportunity to go out from my desk to coach/admonish him so he will do it correctly.

Afterwords, I went back into my office and had a revelation.

"My Gawd... that sounded just like Bill Lumbergh!"​

Arrrrgh!!!! :mad2: :mad2:

(now where is that red stapler?)

Happens to the best of us. Every once in a while my wife will say something like, "OK, Larry". Larry was my dad. Of course I would never refer to her by her mother's name... see, I won't clobber her with a brick, but the reverse is not necessarily true.
Be careful, or one of them may start cleaning fish in their cubicle.

(If any of you reading this thread don't get it, please go out and rent/watch Office Space tonight before you do anything else with your life. It is a masterwork of what it means to work in corporate America.)

I've seen this movie at least 20 times, and it never gets less funny, or less relevant.
We gave each of our kids a red Swingline for Christmas last year. They were all thrilled. I have one on my desk, too.
Be careful, or one of them may start cleaning fish in their cubicle.

(If any of you reading this thread don't get it, please go out and rent/watch Office Space tonight before you do anything else with your life. It is a masterwork of what it means to work in corporate America.)

I've seen this movie at least 20 times, and it never gets less funny, or less relevant.

We once had a group of consultants come in to interview employees. I couldn't believe it, the jokes pretty much wrote themselves. I got to have a "meeting with the Bobs".
Found a source for the red Swingline's and am considering getting one for my office.
I, I don't care if they, if they lay me off either, because I, I told Bill that if he moves my desk one more time, then, then I'm quitting. I'm going to quit. And I told Dom too because they've moved my desk four times. I used to be by the window, where I could see the squirrels and they were merry. But then they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline. (he's holding his red Swingline) (Camera pans to Peter) They have my staples for the Boston and I kept the staples from the Swingline stapler.

And if, if they take my stapler, I will, I will set this building on fire.
I love that movie! :rofl:
(If any of you reading this thread don't get it, please go out and rent/watch Office Space tonight before you do anything else with your life. It is a masterwork of what it means to work in corporate America.)

Thank you.
Eight bosses, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.
The printer in my department has got to be that one resurrected! We will be destroying it when given the opportunity!

Do you have a "Case of the Mondays",... I do...
Haha - my last job, before I decided that 20 years of constantly running up the "down" technology escalator was more than enough, was in IT (if you ever stop learning in IT, you quickly find yourself obsolete). Once a year we would take all of the printers, hard drives, etc that were beyond repair out to a buddy's property for a day of target practice. AWESOME stress reliever, and we would look forward to it all year long. Sometimes during the year, usually after the 11ty billionth call for support on a chronically down printer, one of us would say "Ya know what - I think this printer needs to go on the 'target' list." As long as we could justify it, the company was all for it.

Loved and hated working there. Always just beyond the bleeding edge of where we needed to be, so there were MANY proprietary problems. But I worked with some amazingly smart people. Just heard the family that owned the business recently sold/merged for a few tens of millions. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of people.
Found a source for the red Swingline's and am considering getting one for my office.

There were no red Swingline's when the movie was made, and they had one custom painted. Ever since the movie was released there has been a demand for them and Swingline has obliged.

One of my favorite movies btw. I saw it in high school and loved it. Then I saw it again after working in the engineering cubicle environment at a big company and loved it even more. I've probably seen it 10 times at this point.
Best move ever, and one time I was watching it at somebody else's house, years ago. He had roommates, one of which was trying to learn English, so all the movies had the subtitles turned ON.

I didn't realize how many times they say MF in the song playing while they beat up the printer.

Die MF, die MF, die are the lyrics or something like that. Hilarious to see that in huge letters on the screen. What a great way to learn English LOL
PC Load Letter???

When that movie came out, the company I worked for had that exact printer.

My bucket list includes acting out that scene. I already have the "target" printer selected, just waiting it for it to die.
When that movie came out, the company I worked for had that exact printer.

My bucket list includes acting out that scene. I already have the "target" printer selected, just waiting it for it to die.

It's more fun with firearms. :)
Ignited with firearms.:D

When I worked for a general contractor, we did a lot of remodeling in the winter at a "regular's" place. They had a huge machine shop, and corporate offices in the same building, and I remember thinking if we could not find our power drills, to first look in the cubicles.
Traffic in the beginning: old man with walker moves faster than cars, and Michael Bolten hastily rolls up his window...:rofl::rofl:
Great movie.
I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.

Are you listening?

You beat me to it!

Awesome stuff. Completely legal to transport until you mix it up. Once you mix it, you have to use/destroy it.

That right there is a jar full of fun and excitement. Might want to warn the neighbors, though. :lol: