[NA] Oracle ADF anybody?


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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New project at work has me transitioning from PHP/Javascript to Oracle ADF for web development. I've been stumbling my way around jDeveloper for a few weeks now and it seems like this platform could really speed up the time to market for most projects since it doesn't require writing every single line of code as in PHP/Javascript. The big kicker is getting the data layer set up correctly out of the gate.

Anyone else here using ADF? Anything to keep my eye on as I slowly creep into the world of enterprise-level application development?
Oracle has a Tech Day coming up on ADF. They also have some prior training seminars available on TechNet, IIRC. I've watched some of the videos on it and have a book on it, but so far putting it under my pillow at night hasn't made mean expert on it. ;)
I'm an ADF developer. Whadaaya need to know? JDeveloper is chock full of bugs and sucks as an IDE. It's all the bloat you love with Java but NEW AND IMPROVED with all the bloat you've come to expect from Oracle added in for free. It's a different planet from PHP.
I've been doing ADF with ADFBC using Webcenter framework along with BPM and .. er .. ok the whole darn FMW stack for almost two years. I am shocked to see that other people are doing it too :eek:

We have found that there is a steep learning curve for adf bc in particular when transitioning from traditional jee or older (even Java based) web tech. The siren's song of the stack is that you get about 80% of the project done in 50% of the time and then suddenly you want to refresh a nontransactional region that contains a reference to a transactional edit region in a popup that appears when you double click a table row... ;)
Oracle's platform naming conventions embarrass me. 9i - "internet". 11g - "grid". 12c - "cloud".

Don't know anything about it - but it most certainly sounds evil.
Back in the oracle 4 thru 8 days I was pretty good with everything they had. Now? Couldn't begin to even name most of the product list. I had no idea what oracle ADF was.
I'm an ADF developer. Whadaaya need to know? JDeveloper is chock full of bugs and sucks as an IDE. It's all the bloat you love with Java but NEW AND IMPROVED with all the bloat you've come to expect from Oracle added in for free. It's a different planet from PHP.

Interesting. This is my first real venture into anything Java/Oracle, so I guess I just don't know any better. ;) It's definitely a different world than PHP - both good and bad.

I've been doing ADF with ADFBC using Webcenter framework along with BPM and .. er .. ok the whole darn FMW stack for almost two years. I am shocked to see that other people are doing it too :eek:

We have found that there is a steep learning curve for adf bc in particular when transitioning from traditional jee or older (even Java based) web tech. The siren's song of the stack is that you get about 80% of the project done in 50% of the time and then suddenly you want to refresh a nontransactional region that contains a reference to a transactional edit region in a popup that appears when you double click a table row... ;)

That's what I'm slowing starting to figure out - it works great if you are using a fairly generic data model and business logic, but if you want to tweak anything a little out of 'standard', it seems like a pain. I spent a whole day trying to figure out how to get my data model to connect to a ADF Calendar component. Since I don't have standard 'start time', 'end time', 'timezone' in my data model, I'm having to force extra 'fake' listeners in and redirect them to the corresponding fields in my data. Still haven't figure it out. :idea:

Don't know anything about it - but it most certainly sounds evil.

I thought the same thing until I did some simple data presentation where I just did a drag-and-drop of my View object and it asked how I wanted to display the data - table, editable table, graph, etc. No more loading libraries into PHP for special circumstances. I know it's still doing it somewhere, but I don't have to think about it. :)

Back in the oracle 4 thru 8 days I was pretty good with everything they had. Now? Couldn't begin to even name most of the product list. I had no idea what oracle ADF was.

I was in meetings with a couple of Oracle sales reps week before last and they said they are basically sunsetting everything pre-11ish and pushing their new 12+ versions.
I still have a number of clients running 10g. We're pushing them hard to upgrade to 11gR2. It will be years before they move up to 12. I've not installed 12 yet, either.
I worked for Oracle a number of years ago. We had a number of jokes about our sales reps ...most based around how great the next release was going to be, or it ran great on PowerPoint, or sales rep life cycle was roughly 5x RDBMS release.
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My son would just say if it's not Microsoft it's no good. ;)
My son would just say if it's not Microsoft it's no good. ;)

Microsoft? Is that some sort of toilet paper.

I've been a .NET developer (certified and everything) for the past 5 years, I still won't admit it.
I'm an ADF developer. Whadaaya need to know? JDeveloper is chock full of bugs and sucks as an IDE. It's all the bloat you love with Java but NEW AND IMPROVED with all the bloat you've come to expect from Oracle added in for free. It's a different planet from PHP.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Sounds like you could produce the next gen of Three Dead Trolls?
Don't know anything about it - but it most certainly sounds evil.

It's the code that will give the machines senescence and self determination, December 21st, Robot Santa will come into being and there will begin the end.