NA - online security questions


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud
Am I the only one that finds the list of security questions on most sites troubling? A lot of people who know you (S.O.'s, ex's, old friends) can guess the answer plus with today's social networking and "overshare" most of these questions seem rather insecure.
From what high school did you graduate
This was actually an option for security question. Not only do 100's of people from high school know the answer, but chances are a good search returns plenty of hits.

When are site admins (this site's admins excluded of course) going to add more obscure questions?
Where precisely is the rule saying you have to give a correct answer for the security question to expect as long as you can remember what the answer is?

Which high school, what pet, what whatever. I guarantee if you put the actual real world correct answer in to hack into my stuff, it's not the answer I gave the computer and it's not the one the computer should be expecting. Same goes for credit cards and anything else. Most answers I gave it are not even in english and I never use the same answer twice. I even spelled one backward just for fun. :lol:
Am I the only one that finds the list of security questions on most sites troubling? A lot of people who know you (S.O.'s, ex's, old friends) can guess the answer plus with today's social networking and "overshare" most of these questions seem rather insecure.

That's exactly how someone cracked Sarah Palin's email account, by using Google to answer the security questions.

Like Cason, if the site lets me create my own security questions, I will. I have rules for the ones that are pre-made (like, if it asks for High School, give college, etc).