NA - Networking help

Skip Miller

Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Skip Miller
I am trying to share a printer over a wireless network. The printer is connected to the desktop, and I would like to be able to print from the wireless-connected laptop.

I have run the network setup wizard on both computers. When I run the new printer setup wizard on the desktop, I can see the virtual printers on the laptop.

When I run the printer setup wizard on the laptop, I can see the desktop computer by name, but clicking on the name does not open it to see the printer connected to it.

I'm missing something and would appreciate your help! :dunno:

Skip Miller said:
I am trying to share a printer over a wireless network. The printer is connected to the desktop, and I would like to be able to print from the wireless-connected laptop.

I have run the network setup wizard on both computers. When I run the new printer setup wizard on the desktop, I can see the virtual printers on the laptop.

When I run the printer setup wizard on the laptop, I can see the desktop computer by name, but clicking on the name does not open it to see the printer connected to it.

I'm missing something and would appreciate your help! :dunno:

Hi Skip,

Try this:

Open your control panel on the desktop and select "Printers and Faxes." Right click on the printer you'd like to be networked and go to the "sharing" tab. Click "share this printer" and name it what ever you'd like.

If you already have the network setup (which from your posts sounds like it is), you should be able to see it now on the laptop. Once it's there, you can also right click and make it the default printer if you'd like it to be.

...But remember-- it will only print when the desktop is on. If you want it to print independantly, you'd have to hook it up with your router.

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I would think that your printer isnt shared thats why you cant see it. so do
what Jason said, but when you goto your control panel on your laptop, select printer, add a new printer, then search for printers under Network, not local. It should bring it up.
Good luck.
HPNPilot1200 said:
Hi Skip,

Try this:

Open your control panel on the desktop and select "Printers and Faxes." Right click on the printer you'd like to be networked and go to the "sharing" tab. Click "share this printer" and name it what ever you'd like.

Thanks for the reply, Jason. "Share this printer" is checked.

I mis-spoke in my first email. I can see the laptop from the desktop, but I cannot see the desktop from the laptop.

...But remember-- it will only print when the desktop is on. If you want it to print independantly, you'd have to hook it up with your router.

My router has a built in USB print server, but my printer does not have a USB port. Yes, it's old. I'll be looking for a USB printer when I upgrade it, but that's not today's task....

Skip Miller said:
Thanks for the reply, Jason. "Share this printer" is checked.

I mis-spoke in my first email. I can see the laptop from the desktop, but I cannot see the desktop from the laptop.

My router has a built in USB print server, but my printer does not have a USB port. Yes, it's old. I'll be looking for a USB printer when I upgrade it, but that's not today's task....


Hi Skip,

It sounds like the network wasn't properly setup. Try running the network wizard again on the laptop. It sounds like the printer is being shared, but the laptop can't see it since the network isn't setup properly.

Isn't networking so fun?!? :p

I had a similar problem with my HP printers and XP. I was never able to resolve the problem. It seems that the HP driver installation is a bit whacked.
I had to be "logged on" to the PC hosting the printer. To do that, I would find the machine, connect with a userid and password, then the printer would be available.
All this even though both machines are the same userid and password.
I'd kill for a decent dedicated printer server. Any recommendations?
My stubborn and cantankerous HP is waiting in the garage, for when I am going to be on a tall cliff someday, I can't wait to see it blow into a million pieces when I toss it off. Yeah its probably the software but this thing had hardware problems too I think.
LOVE my Lexmark, have two now.
Go to the Administrative Tools and check the Services. Make sure that the "Server" service is started. This is required to share network resources. By default, in XP Home Edition, it's set to either Disabled or Manual.
silver-eagle said:
I had to be "logged on" to the PC hosting the printer. To do that, I would find the machine, connect with a userid and password, then the printer would be available.
All this even though both machines are the same userid and password.
I'd kill for a decent dedicated printer server. Any recommendations?

Was this using WinXP? This is about the only thing I haven't tried yet.

Brian Austin said:
Go to the Administrative Tools and check the Services. Make sure that the "Server" service is started. This is required to share network resources. By default, in XP Home Edition, it's set to either Disabled or Manual.

Server is started. No change. :(

The network seems to be one way. I can see the laptop and share its files from the desktop; however, from the laptop I can see only the desktop computer name with no shared items - folders or printers - below it.

Any other suggestions?

Skip Miller said:
Server is started. No change. :(

The network seems to be one way. I can see the laptop and share its files from the desktop; however, from the laptop I can see only the desktop computer name with no shared items - folders or printers - below it.

Any other suggestions?


That truely is bizzare...Try going to Control Panel>>Printers and Faxes to see if the networked printer shows up. I've had problems in the past where they didn't appear in the Network Places explorer Window.

...Other than that, beats me.... Try setting the wireless network up again on both computers and see what happens. Beyond that, I'm stumped. This exact problem did happen to me once, but I never wrote down my solution to the problem. :redface:

Problem solved... it is working fine now.

I had to turn off the Windows internal firewall on the desktop. This allowed seeing the printer and installing it on the laptop. After installation I turned on the firewall and the printer continues to print wirelessly.

I also cold-booted both machines and the printer continues to function wirelessly.

Thanks to all for the help and support as I trial-and-(mostly) errored my way through this!

For future reference, you don't need to completely turn off the Firewall. In the Control Panel, click Network Connections, select the connection you're using, right click and select "Properties". Go to the "Advanced" tab, click "Settings" Make sure "Don't Allow Exceptions" is unchecked, then go to the "Exceptions" tab. Uncheck "File and Print Sharing" and hit OK.

I've been foiled so many times by not realizing that the Windows Firewall is to blame that now it's one of the first things I check.