[NA]Nasty grass (lawn care)[NA]

That's what I was guessing, hence my suggestion of "going natural". I think west Texas and eastern Colorado have something in common, like not that much water.

We are in a 'water island' in west Texas, Mari. Yes most of it is semi-arid and wells to 1500' deep but we are a stone's throw from a well which, when drilled to 100', geysered!
Our water started at 40' when we drilled. There are actually hand dug wells at 12ft deep in the area although they are starting to dry up with all the fracking in our aquifer to the north.
Last year I was digging a post hole next to the rocks and at 16 inches down it started to fill with water. I thought I hit a pipe but no it was just subsurface water!
In 2016, I had the urge to purge a surge of spurge, so I REALLY fought it hard in 2017 with daily weeding. Hopefully, it'll be even easier to defeat this summer. And, yeah, it's the "prostrate spurge." If you don't stay on top of it, it'll take over a lawn, especially if your grass coverage isn't thick.

I hate spurge. I've never had much success killing it, and if you try to pull it you end up with that nasty, sticky, sap all over your hands.
I hate spurge. I've never had much success killing it, and if you try to pull it you end up with that nasty, sticky, sap all over your hands.

I had some in my lawn last year. It was kind of pointless to pull it out since it was nestled deep into the lawn. I did an application of Spectracide Weed Stopin the fall and it all shriveled up and crumbled away. I haven't seen any yet this year, but the growing season's just starting.

If you do try Weed Stop, apply it in the spring or the fall, and I've never used it more than once per year. it does make the grass look a little stressed for a while, but I've never seen any lasting effects.
I broke down a couple years ago and got a lawn service. I figured I'd give them a try for a season and see what happens. The first application of whatever unicorn dust they applied pretty much wiped out all my clover, spurge, henbit, chickweek, nutsedge, crabgrass, and whatever else I was always fighting. I kept them another year. These guys aren't expensive, but they don't work for free. I basically end up paying them for their time. I figure I would have bought similar product at full retail, but as hard as I tried I would never be able to apply it at the right time because of my schedule.
I didn't realize that stuff was called spurge until I saw the photo and looked it up. I remember calling it "merry go round weed" as a kid. It grew in our gravel driveway in NJ and in the recycled asphalt driveway in Colorado. I don't remember it growing in the "grass" except at the very edge of the driveway where there was no distinct border.
Go natural! That's what I did in Colorado.

Amen to that. Prairie grass.

Growing bluegrass here is retarded. We don’t have the water for it.

Can’t believe how much water I wasted, and time, maintaining that stupid useless crap in town.

I remember fishing on Bonnie Reservoir. It was nice. Gone now. Kansas sued and we let it go.
And how much nasty **** ends up in the water supply in the name of a green lawn.
And how much nasty **** ends up in the water supply in the name of a green lawn.

Yeah, you have to be careful with what you put down and when. I like the spray herbicides because they stay put better, put them on when the weather is dry and they'll stay attached to what they were sprayed on. When you fertilize, put down enough nitrogen but not more than you need, and no phosphorus unless it's needed.

That's the other good thing about Zoysia, you use half as much fertilizer, and I only have to spot treat certain areas for weeds.
Man when i did lawncare in TN people would pay us to get rid of bermuda. Stuff is like a weed and just chokes everything out. Just use a pre emergent and a broadleaf killer.

It's not LIKE a weed - it is a weed. Around here at least. A nice stand of bluegrass and fescue is what we shoot for. If you see Bermuda grass we have to kill it quickly because it will take over a lawn in no time.
Ok what is next? It's warming up and Imma watering.
Expecting some sproutage soon.

Wait for a month then weedNfeed?
I might be the first guy on my street to mow the lawn. Probably have to fire up the mower on Fri or Sat.
I have decided that crabgrass is sufficiently green for my yard.