[NA]iphone backup[NA]


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
this is to transfer all data from old iphone 5 to 256gb iphone X
Cloud: failed after 5 hours (we have 0.5mbps up)
via cable to itunes on apple laptop; gave up when it still said 14hrs remaining, after 2 hours
I have read about a bluetooth option; phone to phone. True? How?
Well... maybe it’s you

The cable option is best. Don’t give up. Those estimates on time are worthless.

He wants to transfer the data and the apps, not just type in the Apple ID. That’s all QuickStart is doing. Using the camera to type in your AppleID and WiFi settings for you.

Note his internet connection speed. Us rural dwellers find cloud backup to be beyond painful and useless.
When I moved from the iPhone 6 to the new iPhone 8+, it refused to restore my encrypted backup. I knew the password (I had just made it for this purpose, in fact). So I pulled the 6 out, backed it up to the computer unencrypted and then was able to restore it to the 8+. It's a feature, I'm sure.

Anyway, no question the cable to/from the computer should easily be the fastest. Bluetooth is SLOW.
My new iPad used the Cloud backup and took just a couple of minutes with a 6 meg wifi speed. Verizon did it in store for my wife’s new X phone last week. If you have slow home wifi? Go to Starbucks or an internet cafe or similar local place and do it there.
If you have slow home wifi? Go to Starbucks or an internet cafe

Stewart! You know where I live! LOL. BTW the door mechanism is working great; its doing the seemingly impossible task which staff could not make themselves do ie close the door behind them....and it has not ripped off and flung itself 50' into the parking lot this spring; yay.
My new iPad used the Cloud backup and took just a couple of minutes with a 6 meg wifi speed. Verizon did it in store for my wife’s new X phone last week. If you have slow home wifi? Go to Starbucks or an internet cafe or similar local place and do it there.

That’s because it doesn’t restore apps or their data. The apps reload to the latest and greatest from the App Store immediately following an iCloud restore.

It’s also a way to lose any app that has been pulled from the App Store completely. Only a local backup will have that App.

Granted, really old Apps won’t run on iOS anyway, but it was more important prior to the iOS update that caused all the apps to have to be recompiled.

I had a couple of great Apps the authors abandoned that I dragged forward for years with local backups.