[NA] Celestial chaos


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I have carried on in the past here in protest of the inexplicable motions of sky objects, and received good assistance from the astronomers in the crowd.
How about this one?
I am looking at NASA's map of the 2023 & 2024 solar eclipses with a huge ? over my head.
Look at the map and dream up some slightly plausible explanation of how the two years' eclipses plan to cross paths in an X instead of something more reasonable, like parallel paths.
(The X happens to be close to me so I have ordered a do it yourself home survival bunker and a goodly supply of the newer lead-lined foil hats.)
What is making the solar eclipse paths so wildly different?

Tilt of the earth relative to the minor inclination of the moons orbit relative to the ecliptic plane.
Tilt of the earth relative to the minor inclination of the moons orbit relative to the ecliptic plane.
Well apparently we’re getting a whole helluva lot more o that in 2024 than in 2023.
I have carried on in the past here in protest of the inexplicable motions of sky objects, and received good assistance from the astronomers in the crowd.
How about this one?
I am looking at NASA's map of the 2023 & 2024 solar eclipses with a huge ? over my head.
Look at the map and dream up some slightly plausible explanation of how the two years' eclipses plan to cross paths in an X instead of something more reasonable, like parallel paths.
(The X happens to be close to me so I have ordered a do it yourself home survival bunker and a goodly supply of the newer lead-lined foil hats.)
What is making the solar eclipse paths so wildly different?

It’s an Angle of the Dangle thing.
I encourage anyone that can get to a solar eclipse event to do so...they are amazing! We went to the one in the US in 2019, and I was not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised at how interesting it was: street lights come on, the temperature drops, birds start singing like crazy, and you get this weird look around the horizon that looks like a faint sunset in all directions at once.
I’ve seen one before, all the dang roosters in town started crowing when it got light again!
Otherwise, it seemed like a really sudden dark cloud passes overhead.
Because the so called "eclipse" is actually being caused by the giant Jewish Space Laser - this whole "moon" thing is just part of the round earth hoax perpetrated by NASA, the Clintons, and the AARP.

I'm sure Bonnie Tyler has something to say on the issue.
Orbits of the moon and earth are not circular. After that it’s simple rocket science.

FWIW. I plan to be at the X at my brother in law’s house for the eclipse. Places are already selling out.