[NA] Another one goes west.


Aug 4, 2007
Denver, CO
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I am a dad!
He's done a little bit of everything. He was an electrical engineer for Sperry Electronics/Avionics. He was one of the original design engineers for Grumman when they were designing the electrical and avionics systems for the F-14. He even owned a Baskin Robins at the foot of the UN building in NYC.

For as long as I can remember, my grandfather has lived in California, but he was a New Yorker at heart. First generation born in the US, his father escaped the holocaust to get our family out of Poland. He was endlessly proud to be a New Yorker, and will remain so for eternity, I'm sure.

He and my grandma lived in New York until I was about three, when they picked up and moved west (literally). At 9:00 this morning, he went west (metaphorically). He's been sick for a while; he wasn't able to come to my wedding, though I know he was there with us in spirit.

My grandma is taking this surprisingly well.
Fortunately my company, my sim partners, and the folks at Flight Safety have been wonderful and are going push our training back a day to get me to California for the services on Sunday (and so I can be a shomerim tomorrow).

I leave in about 3 hours, and I'll be back on Monday. Until then, everyone behave (as much as we usually do) and be safe! Good night, and good luck.
Matt, please accept my condolences and prayers for you and your family.
My condolences Matt.
Matt Ahvah Sholom to your grandfather. Take comfort it the great things he has done for your family. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Prayers of comfort for you and all your family, Matt.


/s/ Spike
So sorry, Matt. Our lunch get-together is getting closer, at which time you can share more
stories about your wonderful grandfather.

Well Matt, take comfort in that they need electrical engineers in heaven too,plus he might hold the franchise for Baskin Robbins up there. BTW sorry for your lose ,but the memories will be there forever.
Dave G
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. As someone who relatively recently lost a grandparent, I can really empathize with what you're going through. My condolences to your family.