[N/A] Times You've Used Old Habits


Dec 31, 2011
Central AR
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Anyone ever fall back to old antiquated habits while dealing with the public or yourself?

I visited the local library today, after not going for 10 years, to pick up an audiobook I didn't want to pay $35 for. While checking out I opened the cd case to check for the due date card. I inquired to the lady that I needed a new due date card and if she could please stamp it, not realizing it was 2016. She had a good chuckle and informed me they send a text to your phone and/or print out a receipt.
I hope you didn't hurt your shoulder cranking your jalopy for the ride home. Or were you riding a mule?
Did she look like this?

Or was it a modern library?

after you checked out the book, did you ask where the mimeograph machines were?

They were out of the blue ink, had to do it by hand.

Well, at first, the librarian did point me towards the auto check machine but I told her my card didn't work. So it was that new fangled Library those youngins keep toting about. :D

I did laugh after realizing what I said and asked her where the card catalog was stationed. That whole time a teen was standing there bewildered at the terms "card catalog" and "stamping my due card".

This all coming from a 25 year old. LOL
I must live in a small town (2 million and counting) because our lical library still uses stamps on the card. Though they don't stamp it for you. If you can't remember when to bring the book back, you can stamp it youself.
Many smaller libraries do not have the funding for new technology to text people when their book is due. Nothing wrong with that, just stating a fact. And those technologically horny who scoff at books and stamps to betin with, well, they probably just download the book into their smartphone.
So I think the problem is solved. :)
Hmmm, my current small town (population 1001) doesn't have a library. But my last small town (population 745) did, because it was across the river from a large city and was part of the 7-county MSA with population > 350,000 (a big city in my book).