[N/A] The pill is stuck


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud
I wasn't sure whether to post here or in Medical Matters. I guess since its N/A it goes here.

About 7 years ago I learned that taking pills was an unnatural act that doesn't agree with the design of my body. Today I find myself in a bad situation. Earlier this week I caught whatever cold/flu-like virus my cousin has been fighting for over 3 weeks. I had the sore throat and loss of energy for ~5 days and now I'm over it. My mom produced some large blue pills she claimed was NyQuil and would help my recovery. After 15 minutes of futilly explaining that I generally don't believe in treating non-terminal conditions (except pain) and that the pills will only mask, not treat my problem I gave in and took the pills.

The first one went down, but the second one didn't. The pill is in a sort of limbo between my mouth and the throat (see pic). Drinking plenty of fluids & eating bread has not helped as it is now 5 days since I first took the pill.

I was going to be content with letting the pill dissolve over the next 30 days but its causing me too much grief. I can't sleep more then 3 hrs at a time anymore because it slides down while I sleep causing me to wakeup coughing it up to it original position. My throat is constantly dry. I think a decongestant is in this pill and its getting locally absorbed. Plus this pill is much larger then the last stuck pill from years ago, its not round, I'm more pessimistic of its solubility and I'm concerned about its being absorbed so "locally" once I figure exactly what it is. Currently I assume it to have a decongestant, cough suppressant, and a mild sedative.

Anyone has any suggestions?
Docs: Is the "local" absorption of this pill over the next month likely to cause major problems?

I know there has got to be a non-invasive DIY solution for this.
So far I've tried the following but failed:

1. Citric acid to speed the dissolving process.
2. Eating bread to drag it down.
3. Laying down in misc positions to maneuver it down or out via gravity.
4. Relaxing the area to let it slide down, then swallow.
5. Relaxing the area to let it slide down, then tilt and push it into my mouth.
6. Relaxing the area until it I cough in hopes of rapidly expelling it.
7. Using a smooth wooden coffee stirrer to more directly manipulate the pill.

I have thought of but ruled out the following:
1. Using my finger. I'd gag too much.
2. Jumping up and down. I don't want to die.
3. "Drinking" through my nose to flush down the pill. - Intentionally filling my nose with a liquid sounds like a bad idea.


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I'll wait for the doctors to say what's really going on but that won't stop me from speculating.

I doubt that you have been eating and drinking normally for days with a pill/capsule stuck in your throat. I believe something lodged in your esophagus for that long would be much more problematic.

I suspect that it was stuck for a while and at least partially disolved causing a lot of irritation which is giving you this perception.

Just for an experiment, why not put one of these things in a glass of water and see how long it takes to dissolve.

Good luck, if it's really bothering you perhaps a visit to a doctor is in order.

I just remembered to attach the pic. Its a crude drawing that illustrate where it feels like it is. Obviously I probably omitted a few body parts, but you get the idea. Its not lodged deep down, but its somewhere between the back of my mouth and my neck.
Since Monday. ~5 days. Hopefully its a phantom pill because the real one I had many years ago stopped being so smooth as it dissolved.

*Edit: Found the box. The pill contains acetaminophen (generic Tylenol), chlorpheniramine maleate, dextromethorphan, & phenylephrine HCl (generic Sudefed)
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