[N/A] Interesting 18-Wheeler Cargo This Morning


Dec 31, 2011
Central AR
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On my drive in today I passed a flat bed 18-Wheeler being escorted by black armor trucks. On the 18-Wheeler was one single container with radioactive placards and various ID numbers.

Apparently, after some googling, the container was gaseous uranium hexafluoride. I read that it's almost completely devoid of U-235 and only use is mainly towards power plant fuel manufacturing. So is there anything I'm missing that warrants armor escorts? I've seen spent fuel transports that weren't escorted, which I would think would be a greater hazard.
You have it backwards. The black armored trucks are carrying money, the truck with the faux nuke pack is the decoy.
You have it backwards. The black armored trucks are carrying money, the truck with the faux nuke pack is the decoy.

Better would be to put the money into the faux nuke pack. Not meny people crazy enough to risk radiation poisoning over money. Lol
You could create a hell of a mess by releasing a container of Hex. Not only is it radioactive, it is also poisonous and reacts with water. Probably more of a risk than some fuel rods coming out of intermediate storage.
You could create a hell of a mess by releasing a container of Hex. Not only is it radioactive, it is also poisonous and reacts with water. Probably more of a risk than some fuel rods coming out of intermediate storage.

I read storing it is becoming a chore because of those exact reasons. Those barrels don't look that crash resistant.

I had a good laugh watching people in front of me speeding around the truck like it was out to hurt them. Even the guy doing 65 sped up to like 80 as he passed. :D The best part is the transport had to go around him after he slowed back down. I wonder if he gave up after that... :D
I don't think you want to know what's in the trucks. Seriously. You don't. That container is basically bomb proof. I wouldnt be too worried if it crashed. What came out of the trucks....... Worry about that.