Mythbusters: Formation flights

Jim Logajan

Jun 6, 2008
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I believe this is the last episode of this TV season, and it looks like they'll be covering some myth about toilet bombs and another about whether V formation flying uses less energy. Looks like they had some RV'ers fly a V formation for them.

I know that some RVs have toilets, but generally not the one's that fly, so I don't think we'll see the sh*t hitting the fan when a toilet explodes....
It's the "the lead goose in the formation has to work harder than the rest" myth.

Couple guys who race on the sport circuit are doing the flying.

I heard they'll be doing 230kt formation over head breaks to split S finals with no radio calls to proove the other myth that all RV pilots are dangerous wannabe lunatics.
I heard they'll be doing 230kt formation over head breaks to split S finals with no radio calls to proove the other myth that all RV pilots are dangerous wannabe lunatics.

Sweet! Can I log it as training?

RV builder...
I heard they'll be doing 230kt formation over head breaks to split S finals with no radio calls to proove the other myth that all RV pilots are dangerous wannabe lunatics.

Thanks, now my co-worker is asking why am I laughing out loud!
Team RV, I assume?

No, West Coast Ravens or something like that. I got an e-mail on the Sport Racers group that said Bob Mills was leading the show, but it looks like he was just participating. He had the red -6 with purple flames. Race 43. I think it's got an IO-540 in it. LOL
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I heard they'll be doing 230kt formation over head breaks to split S finals with no radio calls to proove the other myth that all RV pilots are dangerous wannabe lunatics.

At first I thought you were talking about Ag Pilots!

I love that they said the V was too tight for airliners, but then did it with 200' separation as if the airlines would do that for 1-3% savings.
I did not know it was considered a myth that all RV pilots are dangerous, wannabe lunatics. LOL
I did not know it was considered a myth that all RV pilots are dangerous, wannabe lunatics. LOL

Oh c'mon. Surely you know how dangerous those wannabe-fighter pilot guys are!! :rofl:
Like I said, I did not know it was a myth.:rofl: BTW, I don't know what those things are that you said your wife made but, all the food was good so I guess her's was too.
Petifores? They were small little cake like things.
Small little cake like things I understand. Don't think I will tell anyone I was eating petifores. Like I said it was all good.
I am not going to admit to eating petite fours either. In fact that sounds illegal.