My long solo x/c experience....get your coffee or vitamin V ready


Jun 9, 2005
I live in a house.
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This past Saturday (09/30/06) I completed my dual long cross country. No I did not fly from NC to Cali. or anything like that...A cross country in aviation is 50+ Nautical Miles. A long cross country is 150 + miles with at least one leg 50 miles.

Sunday (10/01/06) I complete my long SOLO cross country. My day started out a little like this.

My alarm went off at 6:10. I was is Sunday why did I set my alarm this early. Oh yeah I maybe completing my long x/c today. I called Flight Service still in bed and he said there was rain in the vicinity and would be moving eastward. "UGH NO X/C TODAY I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE NICE!!!!!" I turned on the WX Channel. Didn't look so bad. Got dressed. Looked out side...UGH ITS RAINING!!!!! By this time it was 7:30 am I called my CFI..."Uh its raining." In so many words he told me to get to the airport ASAP!!!!!

Drove to the airport. He told me to call FS again. temp dewpoint spread is 1 degree. Now there was fog so I had to put it off a little longer. I spoke more with my CFI. He told me to go out and preflight the plane. He signed me off for the trip. After preflt he told me it was looking better. I had my papers in order. I couldn't find my chart and realized the CFI I did my dual long x/c prolly had it. No big deal just go buy a new one. I called FS back and filed a flight plan and was on my way.

Weather was improving. So off I go from JNX - FAY. Get everything in order. Start looking for my check points. Theres my lake, my tower, uh what is I 95 doing on the right. Corrected for that. Life is good. My other chk points come up right on target. I looked down and saw that the cars driving down I 95 were going faster than I was. Oh geez my ground speed was reading 53. So the cars were going faster than I was. I called up Seymore appch and they nicely told me to call up FAY. I called Seymore because I had called them many a time before and felt most comfortable talking to them 1st. Call up FAY approach. They were very nice to me. I made sure to say student pilot. They opened my flt plan for me. I told them when I had the airport in sight and they told me to switch over to Tower. Life is good. N737LK cleared to land rwy 22. I had a pretty sweet landing. Talk about a confidence booster. I was soon taxiing to the ramp where I had to have my log book signed. The line crew at FAY gave me the red carpet treatment. Talk about classy. Kudos to Luis. Solo long x/c 1st leg & office lady signed for me...I even got a pic for proof. (I am part of a challenge and I have to get pictures of airports so I can claim them :) Thank you Nick Brennan) Luis took the Avgas sign off the wall (it was screwed in the wall) and while I was on a bathroom break and obtaining my wx briefeing he had found enough pegs to spell out FAYETTVILLE..then he found a post card from chamber of commerce so he took my pic in front of the plane with the sign he made for me and the post card. He chopped my head off a little but still it counts bc I had the password in there. I said thank you so much for his hospitality and his boss would be recieveing a call/letter on how wonderful he was. Now off to ILM.

FAY-ILM leg.....Took off from FAY and they went ahead and told me proceed on course soon after take off. Life was good. Hit all my checkpoints. Hey Im pretty good at this pilotage & dead rec. stuff. Talking to FAY departure the lady had to tell everyone to be quiet so she could tend to me. After all I did say STUDENT pilot. The other pilots must have been on a different freq. as the ATC'r was the only one I heard. They also opened my flt plan for me. They told me to go ahead and switch over to ILM. Life was good. When I was with in 15 miles or so I asked ILM to give me the weather and what we were landing with since I could not pick up the wx information. Winds 270/12 baro pressure 30.06 landing w Bravo. Made sure to tell them too I was a student pilot. "ILM Appch 737LK winds 270/12; 30.06 with Bravo." OH MAN I GOTTA LAND I DON'T LIKE WINDS LIKE THIS!!!!! Life was least till I went to flair. Flaired a little too high and planted it on the runway. Then all of a sudden the nosewheel started to shimmy like I have never felt a shimmy before. Tower is telling me to pull off txwy Alpha..."Negitive...trying to maintain directional control of my plane...having a hard time right now. STUDENT PILOT!!!!" ILM tower...7LK taxi at your discression. Finally found a taxiway and asked for progressive taxi to the ramp. Called FS closed my flt plan...called my CFI and told him about my landing and the shimmy. He said if it taxxied to the ramp ok then it was fine. Got current w/x, fuel, a soda, took a bathroom break, had the line guy sign my log book and called the guy who had the plane after me to tell him I was running alittle behind & I was on my solo long x/c. He was really nice about it. OH CONGRATS...FLY SAFE...DO NOT HURRY BACK TAKE YOUR TIME!!!! Awesome kid. I told him I would call when I made it to ISO. Called ILM ground and asked for progressive taxi since the winds shifted and I had to taxi to rwy 35. Uh oh....24/6..its closed but will I still have a rwy incursion? "ILM ground...7LK" Go ahead 7LK "7LK student pilot I am here at rwy 24/6...will I have a rwy incursion if I cross?" "No 7LK your good to cross" "7LK thank you" do my run up call up tower. Well the guy talked 100 miles an hour and the 3rd time I asked him to slow down a little bc I was student pilot he said "7LK were busy here you need to hurry up" He then again gave me my clearence, heading, (010) and departure freq." Called departure soon after t/o. The told me to proceed on course. So after being a little frazzled from my ordeal at ILM I got my bearings mixed up. My heading to ISO was 012 but I turned 120. Next thing I knew I was over the Atlantic Ocean!!!!! Uh this isnt the way to ISO. ILM departure then came back and asked if I would like vectors. ILM appch 7LK would like vectors to ISO. They then activated my flight plan for me. Life was then good again.

ILM - ISO leg. After being vectored to the correct heading I found my check points. Man private airports are kinda hard to find. Found I 40, the quarry, then nothin but trees for along long time. I kept my eye on the GPS but didn;t fixate on it just to make sure everything was ok. ILM departure had me switch over to my good friends at Seymore appch. They gave me Flight following. Then told me to report the airport when I had it in sight. "7LK has the a/p insight. Thank you for your help" So now I am talking to ISO. They went ahead and cleard me for right base and cleared to land rwy 23. Well there is a CRJ taking off as I am abeam the #'s. "Kinston Tower would you like me to go out and circle so the CRJ can leave and me not be in its way?" No 7LK you are fine...the CRJ will be out of your way before you turn base." "Thank you 7LK." I land. Life is good once more. Taxi to the FBO and try and find the line guy. Walk into the FBO...there is no one there. This is just am I to get my log book signed. So I took a picture for the ConUs Challenge. I hear a lawn mower off in the distance. Maybe he can sign me off. So he signed me off. I closed my flt plan, call my CFI then the guy who needed the plane. Go to the bathroom, get current wx, sump the tanks, check the oil, add a quart of oil hop in the plane & talk to ISO ground. They told me to taxi to rwy 23. They gave me intersection departure intructions. "ISO ground...what good does rwy behind me do...could I please taxi to the end of the rwy...I am a student and would feel better if I had the entire rwy." They laughed and said "request accepted." The rwy at ISO is 11,500 Then my good friend Mr. Shimmy came back. I stop and call ground back..."ISO ground 7LK" 7LK go ahead. "I am having trouble w my aircraft and need to taxi back to the ramp." 7LK do you need to taxi on to the rwy or can you do a 360 here? "7LK can do a 360 here" Request accepted. Go back call my CFI and he told me to come back NOW and that it would be ok. Called the guy with the plane and told him what was up & he told me he found another one to fly and for me to be careful & safe. Called ISO ground back...."ISO ground 737LK." 7LK go ahead. "7LK rady to taxi to the rwy from the ramp" 7LK taxi to rwy 23" I read it back. Then they gave me the intersetcion departure which I accepted. Called tower after the run up and they cleared me for take off after giving me all my info. Told me to contact Seymore appch and to have a nice day.

ISO - JNX leg...So on the back I was told to standby 3 times by Seymore. Then they went and took me. By this time I was 15 miles or so from JNX. 737LK state intentions. "737LK 172 off ISO in route to JNX at 2500 ft. would like to request FF." 7LK squak 0301. baro 30.05. read it back to them and cruised on home. 7LK do you have the airport in sight?" Negitive Seymore. For some reason my home base was hard to find yesterday. Finally saw it 4 miles out. SO I squaked 1200 and they told me radar service was terminated and to have a nice day. Made my radio calls at home and landed rwy 21. For some reason I had a hard time holding my 70 knots for landing at JNX but had a nice landing but landed rather long. Used up MOST the rwy. Taxiied back to the flt school and tied her down.

What a GREAT experience. Now I am that much closer to becoming a PRIVATE PILOT!!!!! :)
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HPNFlyGirl said:
...What a GREAT experience. Now I am that much closer to becoming a PILOT!!!!! :)

You ARE a pilot now. (Albeit a student pilot)

Good show!
Congrats!! Sounds like a great day.

I maintain, to this day, that the solo cross country was more important and memorable than the first solo. And you had a hell of a cross country!
congrats! sounds like you had a blast brook!
Congratulations Brook! I didn't need any coffee or vitamin V...

Very right nice write up. Referring to your other post: let them laugh, you are on your way and you've learned many things which will help you on your way to being a full fledged pilot. Way to go, Brooke.
Good deal, sounds like you had fun and came across some people that make aviation worthwhile. You had a couple little foibles, same as everyone did, I'm not sure you've recognized them all yet,:D but that's just as well anyway. You had your first encounter with the dread nosewheel shimmy, that's always an eye opener:hairraise: , especially since you hit it the first time when alone. Little tip on dealing with that, hold the yoke in your lap and speed up till you lighten the nose, often in a plane that does that, if I have a long way to taxi, I just keep the nose off the ground, at that speed the rudder does the steering and you can lightly tag a brake to steer. Hopefully they'll have it fixed by the next time you get in the plane, but it's not rare for this to happen, especially solo in 172/182s with nothing in the luggage area.

BTW, Vitamin V... nevermind.
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Good going, Brook!

Isn't training a lot more fun when you can actually go places.... yourself?
Sounds like a great experience!! Congratulations!

The solo long cross country is one of the hurdles that stops many from getting their PPL. Congrats! And remember, it used to be 300 NM when I did it. :)
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Nice job and nice write up, Brooke. Way to go!
HPNFlyGirl said:
What a GREAT experience. Now I am that much closer to becoming a PRIVATE PILOT!!!!! :)

Brook, great news! Now you're close to studying time. :D
YAY Brook!!!

Nick is right about the xc being more memorable than first solo. There are so many more memorable possibilities: getting memorably lost, meeting memorable people, observing memorable broken plane parts, etc.

My first rental plane had the shimmy, too. Henning's procedure for dealing with that is correct, unless you can talk the owner into fixing it.
Nice job.

At least you found North Carolina again, rather than seeing people with berets and really long bread trying to surrender to you!
Henning said:
Snortin' Vivarins, now there's some bad memories...
I must confess I don't know what a Vivarin is...

I have, however, snorted vodka.

Talk about a sinus clearing experience!
Nice job Brook and an excellent story.
My first "Intersection departure" was at Barnes in Westfield. Worst part (ney, best) was sitting there for 15M waiting for a flight of 4 A-10s to depart and "Caution, wake turbulence". So not only a first for the intersection departure but first caution too. And 15 minutes for the anxiety level to build.
PS: Licenced PP at about 200 hours. You handled it very well.
MSmith said:
and really long bread trying to surrender to you!

Long bread that surrenders to you? Must be French bread.....;)
Great write up Brooke! Congrats.

And I also agree that the long solo cross country is one of the most memorable milestones. Yours sounded like a very positive and memorable experience.
MSmith said:
Nice job.

At least you found North Carolina again, rather than seeing people with berets and really long bread trying to surrender to you!

Thank you.

Luckly I could still see land off in a distance and ATC had me on radar so they helped me out. :redface:
Bill Jennings said:
Upwind both ways, in the snow, right???

How did you know? Plus it was done in a Jenny. :)
Anthony said:
How did you know? Plus it was done in a Jenny. :)
Oh yeah, mine was done in a Wright Flyer... :rofl: In a Hurricane and fog and GPS hadn't been invented yet.

Congrats on the solo X-country. At least you didn't get lost like I did on mine...

Good job.
Greebo said:
I must confess I don't know what a Vivarin is...

I have, however, snorted vodka.

Talk about a sinus clearing experience!

Vivarin is caffine, talk about a sinus clogging situation but 4 days awake with another 12 hrs to go to safety...
Just read your adventure, Brook. Nice job. Quite a confidence builder
isn't it?

Congrats Brooke, and nice write up. It's true, you probably learn more on that solo cross country, than in most of your solo work.
good deal brook sounds like a neat trip. I recall my first nose wheel shimmy thought I had a propstrike. Scared the tar out of me.
Chuck vivarin are caffeen pills
Just read this. Good job, Brook. As noted, nosewheel shimmy is so common it should be added to the instruction manuals. Glad you were able to handl it. ATC and "student pilot" are your best friends on those solo flights. I remember saying to NY Approach that this was my first time flying alone and he replied that I wasn't flying alone, they were all there with me waiting to help with whatever I need.
AuntPeggy said:
Just read this. Good job, Brook. As noted, nosewheel shimmy is so common it should be added to the instruction manuals. Glad you were able to handl it. ATC and "student pilot" are your best friends on those solo flights. I remember saying to NY Approach that this was my first time flying alone and he replied that I wasn't flying alone, they were all there with me waiting to help with whatever I need.

Thank you everone for the kind words. Yeah Aunt Peggy...I wasn't too nervous because I knew if I needed help they would be there to help me out. I am glad my CFI told me that early on. :)