My house is haunted by a young boy


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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1st: I don't believe in this junk.

That being said, a few weeks back, I am working at my home office and I hear my son holler "Ma Ma" from his bedroom. Mom was asleep so I go into his room to see what he wants but he is asleep.

Not unusual for him to talk in his sleep.

A little while later, I hear it again. same result. No big deal.

A few days later I am home on a Tuesday working at my desk in an empty house and I hear a kids voice say "Maaaaauuum" (2 syllables) and I think nothing of it, could be a kid playing outside but for whatever reason I noted that it was 9:25 AM

10 min later I hear "Mommy" again for whatever reason I note 9:35

at 9:45 I hear "Ma Ma"

It's not scary or anything but definitely noticing this sound that sounds a lot like a little kid calling for his mom. I start to listen and try to figure out where it is originating. One time it sounds like it is behind the wall my desk faces and another time, it comes from behind me.

Now this is mid day broad daylight so there is no freak out factor. I sit on this for a day or two then I text Mrs 6PC what I am hearing and she basically says "That's creepy" and we don't discuss it at all.

Earlier this week both kids are asleep we are sitting it our respective computers quietly typing away.

Now I had seriously contemplated hooking up a video camera and playing a creepy kid voice to startle her and capture it but I didn't because while we were sitting there we both hear "my son from his bedroom say 'Ma Ma'"

I said "that was it! Did you hear it?" She says "That was Jack, go see what he wants" I am excited now because I know it wasn't him. I go to his room and he is awake watching a movie. I asked "did you call for Mom?" He says no.

We continue to work in the office and 5-6 more times every 10 minutes on the 5, we hear it. It is so consistant.
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:35 to 10:36
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:45 to 10:46
over and over.

I caught it once that evening on a recording

Then yesterday I worked from home and I caught it again. This recording is the original, followed by one with adaptive noise reduction followed by a third edit where I tried to isolate just the voice. There are a lot of artifacts in the audio from heavy editing.

You need to crank this one up and in the 2nd pass around the 7 second mark, you can hear "Ma Ma" followed by what I now assume is the dead kid's dead mom saying "Yes"

The second link was recorded while I was out of the house. It was completely empty and all electronics were turned off except the recorder.

My house is 10 years old. 1 prior owner no squeaky attic vents, no Indian burial ground under it as far as I know.

Again, I don't believe in this stuff but it is certainly very weird.
I haven't heard it today at all but at some point every 10 minutes on the 5's we will start hearing this in the house.

One night it did creep me out a bit as it was happening until about 2 AM.

Anyway, so that's happening.:yikes:
do u have a cat? sounds like a whining cat. those lil furball hacking pussehs.

although a cat is a far less entertaining story than a haunted house.
No cat and the timing would be weird for an animal.

The most logical thing I can come up with at this point is possibly a tiny leak in a water pipe or toilet and when it gets to a certain threshold, a bit of water flows causing some sort of movement in the pipes. Grasping at straws but that might explain the consistent timing of it.
I don't understand why people don't believe in that "crap."

I think it's incredible.
To quote a friend of mine, "I don't believe in ghosts but I am scared of them"
I start believing in it after the sun goes down and I am the only one in the house
are you SURE you don't have a cat? did you double check?
I am allergic to cats.
I have 2 dogs. Could be a cat outside.

The every 10 minute thing though...
I wouldn't worry about it. If you have a ghost, you have a ghost. It's not like you have roaches, or worse yet, bed bugs.

Although given the house's young age and (lack of) history, a ghost seems rather unlikely. More likely a cat or a creaky floor.

Maybe someone on this list can help you:

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A little girl drowned in my back yard about a year before I bought the house. I've never heard anything though.
maybe your house is haunted by the same guy who haunted this warship:

Next time were together, remind me to tell you my brother's "Bobby ding dong" story.
Check your computer for viruses/malware.

Years ago there was a virus that made the sound of a squeaking door. Could be something similar.
I have never had a paranormal experience. Not even close. Every noise, or experience I have had has been pretty easily explainable. However, like aliens, I do believe in the possibility of these incidence, as we as humans can't even explain how we got her, or how the earth/universe was created so who are we to day these things do not exist.

While your house may not be old, the land in which it was built upon certainly is, and you don't know what existed there prior to your house. I may have some Hessians roaming around my property. You just never know. :wink2:'s a predictable sound but that's the best recording you could make of it? Not very impressive.

That's the audio equivalent of the grainy and blurry Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster photos.
I am allergic to cats.
I have 2 dogs. Could be a cat outside.

The every 10 minute thing though...

Or maybe another critter living in the crawlspace, attic, or walls.

Right now, I'm listening to a squirrel chirp. I hear that all the time, but it confuses the crap out of city visitors.
My guess is a leaky toilet coupled with a noisy valve.

Turn off the water in the house and see if it stops.
Dude, I lived in a haunted house while in high school, so if you say your place is haunted, I believe you! Our ghost actually "hit" the foot of my bed so hard once that it made my feet bounce. My best friend and I lived together at the time and we actually experienced "occurrences" when together, so we can even vouch for each other. For your family's sake, I hope your "kid" isn't a prankster, lol!'s a predictable sound but that's the best recording you could make of it? Not very impressive.

That's the audio equivalent of the grainy and blurry Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster photos.

Ugh ok, how much do you know about recording before I explain this? I have been recording musicians for about 20 years now. There is so much ambient noise in any room that you are conditioned to ignore. Microphones unfortunately do not ignore it.

The sound we are hearing is not loud at all. It is on par with a fly or mosquito buzzing in your ear. very faint but still loud enough that there is no question something is making this sound and multiple people have confirmed it is not imagined.

So it is amplified many times which also means amplifying any ambient noise, airflow, etc

Then using a sample of the room ambient noise as a filter to remove it and attempt to only leave anomalies similar to how your ANR headset works.

Additionally, I haven't identified the source. Could be in another room outside, attic. I have 3 mics in my office where I am hearing it.

But yes, if it were loud and clear, I would probably know what it was.
For example I can hear my dryer running right now and I have no questions to post about what that sound might be because it is quite clearly my dryer.

I can hear lots of locusts outside doing their thing. No need for me to post asking what that sound might be as it is loud, clear, and easily identifiable.

At any rate we are having guests over tonight and we are going to try and track down the source.
Is is possible I have a cat and don't know it?
It would be weird and I would be a horrible cat owner as I am not buying cat food.
Is is possible I have a cat and don't know it?
It would be weird and I would be a horrible cat owner as I am not buying cat food.

I have a really weird recurring dream where it turns out I have a cat and forgot it locked in a spare room for years.
I lived in a haunted house. Lots of strange things happened. Me, my girlfriend and room mate all experienced them. I found out the lady before me died in the house. We had a priest come over and do his thing and seemed to go away. Then we moved out. I never believed until it happened to me. Not very fun...
No such thing as ghosts. Zero credible evidence.
The human mind however can be extremely powerful and convincing in creating false beliefs and observations, tons of evidence of that.
In aviation, there is scientific explaination for every aspect of flight. That doesn't change on the ground for anything else. Keep looking.
Friend came over. We heard it 1 time and that was it.
none of us could agree where it came from in proximity to where we were in the room.
No such thing as ghosts. Zero credible evidence.
The human mind however can be extremely powerful and convincing in creating false beliefs and observations, tons of evidence of that.
In aviation, there is scientific explaination for every aspect of flight. That doesn't change on the ground for anything else. Keep looking.

You need to live it buddy...
I had cabinets slamming in the middle of the night. Every day when I came home it was so cold in the house you would breath frost. The thermostat would be set as cold as it goes. This was everyday. The shower would turn on like someone was there taking a shower. Pretty freaky..... Found out the woman that died there was into some weird stuff like witchcraft... Her son rented me the house.... He and his son were big into kart racing and he had a shop built there with AC and everything. The weird thing is he rented me the house and he stayed in an apartment elsewhere. Seems like he would have lived there????
I never believed this stuff till I was there. When I found out that woman died there it always felt like she was following me after that. The very strange thing was I didn't feel like I had to go, I handled this stuff for about a year. When the priest came I left the house, when he was done I never had any issues again.