My Dad


Line Up and Wait
Feb 23, 2005
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Mark B
My father passed away on June 22nd.

I couldn't decide whether to post it about it or not. But in the end I decided to.

Please don't take ONE MINUTE for granted with you family. It was very sudden with my father.
For the first time my pilots certificate paid off, I was able to get to my family in 3 hours vs the 8+ that it would have taken to drive it. No I didn't fly myself, I was too upset to be at the controls of a plane. But since I was a pilot, I was able to arrange someone else to fly me up there. I got the call at noon that I NEEDED to get there and was wheels up in less than an hour due to the great folks at Jeff City Flying Service.

I made this in tribute to my father.

Mark B
My heart goes out to you Mark. This leaves a big hole, I know. You and my family are in my prayers for your loss.
So sorry, Mark. It's a beautiful tribute. Words can't suffice but rest assured y'all are in my thoughts.

Mark, Fantastic tribute. Really got the message across about what your dad meant to you and your family. My condolences for your loss.
Dear Mark,
Sorry about your dad. I lost my dad last year on June 28. I miss him.
I thought that my dad would live forever. It is something to realize that I am the next generation to go. My dad served in the US Army Air Force in World War II.
God Bless You. I pray that your father enjoys eternal happiness in heaven.
I'm sorry for your loss Mark. It's been seven years since I suddenly lost my father, and I can still feel the pain when I think about getting that phone call. Thankfully we were close, and I have many, many good memories to help ease the pain a little. Keep those good memories handy, they help.
Mark, you just made me cry. That tribute is excellent.

My thoughts, my prayers are with you. I fully understand what you're going through. I went through the same thing with my dad on April 30. It hurts. As Lisa said, the good memories are so important. He made me who I am today. He taught me to fly. Everything I do is part of him even without realizing it. Knowing that is what I think helps the most.
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sorry to hear that Mark, my sympathies are with you and your family

I am sorry for you loss and what a wonderful tribute to your father. Our thoughts go out to you and you family.

Well Mark i know words dont help but I'm truely sorry for your loss.
The Tribute was GREAT. and brought back lots of memories, My Dad passed away just after that song came out.
May Peace be with you and your family.

Your Friend Dave Gaiski:blueplane:

I'm sorry to hear that.

Family is one reason I'm back in DC.

My condolences.
Mark - our condolences for your loss, and prayers for comfort and peace to you and your family.

I'm on borrowed time with my dad - I'm scrambling to put together a weekend trip to see him for this coming weekend.
Mark - our condolences for your loss, and prayers for comfort and peace to you and your family.

I'm on borrowed time with my dad - I'm scrambling to put together a weekend trip to see him for this coming weekend.

Don't wait.

My dad was here two weeks ago, the last thing I said to him was "see you in a couple of months".

It can happen so quickly!
He went to the hospital Saturday about noon, by Sunday morning he was gone.

Mark B
My prayers and condolences Mark. Losing my father was one of the most difficult times in my life. You are correct, life is precious and often too short. Conway did have a way with lyrics didn't he?
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Mark, I am really sorry to hear this. What a nice tribute you made for him. My condolences. :(
I'm sorry to hear this, Mark. Bless y'all's hearts... :(

I've about run out of family, but I AM keeping a close eye on the one sister I have left. Of course, given that I'm 14 years older than her, she might oughta be keeping a close eye on me, too. :)

Thanks for posting.
So sorry for your loss, Mark. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Mark. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Mark, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
Thats terrible news Mark. My condloences. Hang in there buddy.

What a great tribute. If your father could see it, surely he would be proud.

My deepest condolences on your loss.
Mark, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Making this touching video must have been bittersweet for you.
Mark, I am so glad that you made that tribute and decided to share it with your extended family here. Our hearts go out to you, and you're in our prayers. He lives on through you and your memories.
-- Grant & Leslie
Mark, my deepest condolences to you and your family, and what an amazing tribute. You did the right thing by sharing it here and getting the support of all of your POA siblings.

Condolences to you aand your family. What a wonderful tribute in that video you did. I feel like I've met him.
Thanks to everyone.
Things are starting to get better and I appreciate all the kind words and know my family does also.

Mark B
I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I don't care how old you are things like this are hard.