moving along...


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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got some more done on my glider today. Secured insurance for a year and got a parachute ordered. Now i just need some work done on the trailer and a weld done on the brake handle. maybe maybe get to fly it this weekend, i hope!
tonycondon said:
got some more done on my glider today. Secured insurance for a year and got a parachute ordered. Now i just need some work done on the trailer and a weld done on the brake handle. maybe maybe get to fly it this weekend, i hope!

insurance? parachutes? air brakes? :dunno:
only stuff that us mortal pilots need jesse...:)
scott, parachute is not required, but a good idea for all gliders. We fly airplanes with wings designed to be removed by the pilot. also, the horizontal stab on mine is removed when stored. So quite likely before each flight, I will have connected the wings and 2/3 of the flight controls. There is quite a higher likelyhood of failure than with a production power plane. of course if it happens on tow, you are likely not high enough to jump. but if you are at altitude and a wing goes, or control jams, it will save you. also we often gaggle with other gliders and the likelyhood of a midair jumps bigtime there. basically just a safety measure.
Dave - I wish. unfortunately we dont get to oxygen altitudes up here in the flat lowlands. but if i ever trailer it to marfa or littlefield, i likely will get a bottle.
tonycondon said:
scott, parachute is not required, but a good idea for all gliders. We fly airplanes with wings designed to be removed by the pilot. also, the horizontal stab on mine is removed when stored. So quite likely before each flight, I will have connected the wings and 2/3 of the flight controls. There is quite a higher likelyhood of failure than with a production power plane. of course if it happens on tow, you are likely not high enough to jump. but if you are at altitude and a wing goes, or control jams, it will save you. also we often gaggle with other gliders and the likelyhood of a midair jumps bigtime there. basically just a safety measure.
Dave - I wish. unfortunately we dont get to oxygen altitudes up here in the flat lowlands. but if i ever trailer it to marfa or littlefield, i likely will get a bottle.

Tony, aren't parachutes still required for competition?

And this time of year there's one more required item: electric sox.:yes:
lance, yes parachutes are required for contests. and as far as electric socks, i was at 8000 MSL last weekend and quite comfy. hit 85 on the ground. but i know of what you speak. brrrrrr
good idea; the ntsb query page shows about 20 entries for 'accident', 'glider', '1991 and hence', using keyword 'parachute' and about 10 involve someone egressing a glider; yikes.
Let'sgoflying! said:
good idea; the ntsb query page shows about 20 entries for 'accident', 'glider', '1991 and hence', using keyword 'parachute' and about 10 involve someone egressing a glider; yikes.

We're talking essentially formation flight without a briefing or even a plan beyond "don't hit me".
lancefisher said:
We're talking essentially formation flight without a briefing or even a plan beyond "don't hit me".

That's the way the hang gliders "swarm" around here off the shoulder of Tiger Mountain and I do mean swarm. We've flown abeam and counted over 20 ultralight aircraft in a tight, constantly moving ball, just sort of milling back & forth, up & down. They really do look like a swarm of flying insects from a distance.

Even allowing for their aircrafts' low stall speeds and low airspeeds it was quite a spooky sight but also quite routine for their cadre.
something like this?
it is pretty cool seeing a big gaggle from the side. you can see how the thermal is tilted in the wind and the gliders make a pretty cool outline


  • Gaggle.jpg
    94.2 KB · Views: 9
tonycondon said:
something like this?
it is pretty cool seeing a big gaggle from the side. you can see how the thermal is tilted in the wind and the gliders make a pretty cool outline

Pretty close to that, nice PIX.

These off Tiger MTN were a nearly perfect ball, somewhat denser with aircraft and the motion was unforgetable. I'll try to get some video of them this summer when the thermals start up.
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