Motor glider training in the NW

J.C. Cuevas

Filing Flight Plan
Feb 14, 2018
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I am in the process of purchasing a Fournier RF-5 motor glider. In order to fly the motor glider I need a private add on rating and a self launch endorsement. I need a recommendation for glider training to finish my glider rating and also obtain a self launch endorsement. I have 15 fifteen solo and 8 dual flights in a 2-32. I had to discontinue the training due to family and other personal reasons. I need to complete this training no later than next month. I hold and ATP, CFI licenses and logged over 28,000 hours (plus or minus a couple of hundred) in all types of single engine aircraft and commercial airline flying as PIC time.
Does anyone know of a non-club, commercial glider training here in the NW who can conduct training in the Northwest during the winter months? I would prefer to do this in Washington State but a school operating in the winter in Oregon State would also be preferred. I need to do this sooner than later. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
We have a commercial glider school in Walla Walla & would be glad to help you out but due to insurance restrictions we're not able to fly until 03/15/18.

With your experience it should be a fairly quick rating. I'm not a self-launching CFIG yet. Something I hope to do soon.
There is lots of glider activity at Arlington, KAWO. Probably google that to get a contact.
The RF-5 is an awesome plane. Congrats on the purchase.